Using C programming language to find the reverse number of a number. (for example, the reverse number of 1234 is 4321)

Using C programming language to find the reverse number of a number. (for example, the reverse number of 1234 is 4321)

void main()
int i,l;
i = i / 10;
Don't make it too complicated

How many four digits are there in 1234?

one thousand two hundred and forty-three
one thousand three hundred and twenty-four
one thousand three hundred and forty-two
one thousand four hundred and thirty-two
one thousand four hundred and twenty-three
When 1 is a thousand, there are six
Then 1, 2, 3 and 4 become thousand bits respectively, with a total of 6 × 4 = 24

Using 1234 four digits can form 24 four digit numbers. What is the sum of all these four digit numbers

There are six times in the thousand, six times in the hundred, six times in the ten, and six times in the individual
Similarly, 2 is

If 2mx ^ ay and - 5nx ^ 2A - ^ 3Y are monomials of X, y, and they are of the same kind
(1) Find the value of (4a-13) ^ 2009 (2) if 2mx ^ A, y + NX ^ 2a, - ^ 3, y = 0, and xy = / 0, find the value of (2m + 5N) ^ 2009

-What does [^ 2A - ^ 3] mean in 5nx ^ 2A - ^ 3Y?
2mx ^ A, y + NX ^ 2a, - ^ 3, y = 0, and xy = / 0, what do you mean by punctuation in the middle?

If the monomials 2mx ^ 3Y ^ A and - 5nx ^ 2a-3y ^ 3 are monomials about X, y, and they are of the same kind
1. Find the value of (7a-22) ^ 2010
If ^ 2 m is not equal to 3x-5y of ^ 2 m
(answer with the knowledge of grade one)

It's the same kind
X and y have the same degree
So 2a-3 = 3
So (7a-22) ^ 2010 = (- 1) ^ 2010 = 1
If the subtraction is 0, the coefficients are equal
So 2m-5n = 0
So (2m-5n) ^ 2010

If "*" is a new algorithm, let a * b = a2-a × B, and try to solve the equation (- 2) * x = 312

∵ a * b = a2-a · B, ∵ (- 2) * x = 312. ∵ 4 - (- 2) x = 312, 2x = - 12, the solution is: x = - 14

The algorithm of "⊙" is: a ⊙ B = A & # 178; + 2Ab 3 ⊙ (- 2) = 3 & # 178; + 2 × 3 × (- 2) = - 3
(1) Find 2 ⊙ 3
(2) Simplify K ⊙ 2 + (- 1) ⊙ K

(1) Find 2 ⊙ 3
(2) Simplification

If "*" is specified as an operation, the rule is a * b = a-2b. If 3 * x = 2 * (- 8), find the value of X

3*x=2*(-8),3-2x=2-2×(-8) x=-15/2

If x squared = A and X is a positive number, then x is called

Arithmetic square root

If a = {x | x 1 〈 2}, B = {x | x square 〉 9}, then how much is the intersection of a and B

Because a = {x | X1 / 2}, B = {x | X1 / 3}
So a ∩ B = {x | X1 / 2}