When solving the equations ① ax + 5Y = 15, ② 4x by = 12 When solving the equations {ax + 5Y = 154x-by = - 2, due to carelessness, a misread a in the equations and got the solution {x = - 13, y = - 1, B misread B in the equations and got the solution {x = 5Y = 4 (1) What does a think of a and B? (2) Find out the correct solution of the original equations

When solving the equations ① ax + 5Y = 15, ② 4x by = 12 When solving the equations {ax + 5Y = 154x-by = - 2, due to carelessness, a misread a in the equations and got the solution {x = - 13, y = - 1, B misread B in the equations and got the solution {x = 5Y = 4 (1) What does a think of a and B? (2) Find out the correct solution of the original equations

Because a misread equation 1, but the result is right in equation 2
B misread equation 2, but the result is right in equation 1
Therefore, there are:
Substituting, the original equation is changed into:

When ax + 5Y = 15 and 4x by are solved
Because of carelessness, a misread a in the equation and got x = - 3 and y = - 1. B misread B in the equation and got x = 5 and y = 4
(1) Find the values of a and B in the original equations;
(2) Find out the solution of the original equations

Oh! I'm sorry! It's 4x-by = - 2

Given that the two solutions of the equation AX + by = 10 are x = - 1y = 0, x = 1y = 5, then a=______ ,b=______ .

Substituting x = − 1y = 0 and x = 1y = 5 into the equation AX + by = 10, we get − a = 10A + 5B = 10, and a = − 10B = 4