Differential equation.. Y "+ y = cosx for general solution

Differential equation.. Y "+ y = cosx for general solution

The characteristic equation λ ^ 2 + 1 = 0 is solved to λ = I or λ = - I. We can see that the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous linear differential equation is y = C1 cosx + C2 SiNx. The function f (x) = cosx at the right end belongs to type II, and I is a multiple root of the characteristic equation. Let y * = x (acosx + bsinx) be substituted into the non-homogeneous equation

General solution of differential equation y "+ y = e ^ x + cosx


The general solution of the differential equation y '' + y '= e of X degree + cosx,

It is easy to get the general solution of homogeneous equation as
Another special solution
Let y = AE ^ x + bcosx + csinx
Substituting into the original equation
Contrast coefficient
In conclusion, the general solution of the equation is obtained