Is it an ancient poem with all syllables in four seasons?

Is it an ancient poem with all syllables in four seasons?

The children of the village are in charge of their own. T ó ng s ū n w è I Ji ě g ē ng Z ē t ó ng s ā ng y ī n Xu é

What is the three phonetic sections? What is the whole syllable? Give an example

In this syllable, I is the mediator, such as Xiao, Chuan, Duan and so on
The 16 syllables are: Zhi, Chi, Shi, RI, Zi, CI, Si, ye, Yi, Yin, Ying, Wu, Yu, Yue, Yun, yuan

What's the meaning of "Quan / Shuangpin" in Sogou Pinyin?

The simplest example is that you can understand the meaning of the whole spelling, for example, input "Shang" = Shang Quanpin, for example, input "Shang" = uh, u stands for SH, H stands for ang, for example, input "Shang" = Shang Quanpin, for example, input "Shang" = uh, u stands for SH, H stands for ang, for example, input "Shuangpin = Shuangpin = sh, P in, for example, input" Shang "= sh, u stands for SH, H stands for ang