How many pronunciations are there

How many pronunciations are there

Wrong number, it should be: symmetrical
Syllable: y ú NCH è n
Even; in proportion
"Cheng" has three pronunciations: [ch ē ng] [ch è n] [ch è ng]
[ch ē ng] 1. Weight: Li á ng. 2. Name: Hu. Di. Chen. Brother. 3. Name: Hao. Wei. 4. Say: quick. Sick. Defecate. 5. Praise: praise
[ch è n] suitable for: heart. Job
[ch è ng] same as "scale"
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Help me. I want to know the rules of English pronunciation and syllable division
The more detailed the better

Phonetic knowledge 1. Some concepts about phonetics 1) letter: the written form of language. Vowel letter A, e, I (y), O, u, 2) phonetic symbol: the phonetic form of word. 3) phoneme: the smallest unit of sound. There are 48 phonemes in English. 4) syllable: the pronunciation unit composed of vowel and consonant. Ap'ple, stu'dent, te

Learn about the rules of phonetic syllables (not pronunciation)
For example: 1. Stress the closed syllable and double write the last letter. 2. When yuan + Fu + e, e does not pronounce, and vowels pronounce letters. 3. Turbidity. 4. The use of (Special University)
I want to know more about phonetic syllables. The more detailed the rules, the better

For example, when "a U" is translated into "a U", because "U" is a consonant, when "an hour" is translated into "an hour", because "hour" is the same as "our", when [a] is read at the beginning, it is a vowel