"Fiber" of "optical fiber" should be read as Xian or Qian, Please give an authoritative explanation

"Fiber" of "optical fiber" should be read as Xian or Qian, Please give an authoritative explanation

Chinese Dictionary of ground wires:
Optical fiber:
  ɡuānɡ dǎo xiān wéi
A kind of fiber that can guide light. It is made of glass or plastic. Light can bend and conduct in the fiber, and can change the shape of the image. It is used in medical devices, electronic optical instruments, optical communication lines, etc
What's going on
(2) refers to fiber: chemical fiber fiber plant
A natural or synthetic silk like material with a wide range of uses: cotton fiber or chemical fiber
A rope used to pull a boat
I can't compare with the money they've spent on drawing
Another example: the track (the path along which the trackers on both sides of the river take the boat); the track (the track)
A rope for animals
Horses and oxen have fiber, private ownership has leisure
(Pictophonetic. From the system, thousand sound from the system, thin wire, small. Original meaning: small)
Same meaning
Fine, fine. Shuowen
Jue basket yuan Xian. Shu Yu Gong. Zheng Zhu: "Xiye."
Fu Yi's Ode to dance
Za Xian Luo -- Sima Xiangru's Zi Xu Fu
Good without micro but not appreciate, evil without fiber but not demote
Fiber (fiber) Qi Xun n
1. Rope for pulling the boat: ~ rope. Back ~
Pull the rope to advance the boat
(2) the old term refers to the introduction of trading industries for profit
Fiber (fiber) Xi'an
1. Fine: ~ fine. ~ weak. ~ dimensional (slender silk like substance)
1. Thorn