Initial consonants and finals of Chinese Pinyin Initial consonant list What do single vowel, compound vowel and nasal vowel refer to? Ha ha I forgot all about it

Initial consonants and finals of Chinese Pinyin Initial consonant list What do single vowel, compound vowel and nasal vowel refer to? Ha ha I forgot all about it

The initial table B PMF d t n l G H J Q x zh sh r Z c y w single vowel a o e i u u u u u u u u u E Er nasal vowel an en in UN U N

What are the initials and finals of Chinese pinyin

They are B, P, m, F, D, t, N, l, G, K, h, J, Q, x, Zh, CH, SH, R, Z, C, S
The single vowel is a, O, e, I, u, v. the compound vowel is AI, EI, UI, Ao, ou, IU, ie, VE, er, an, en, in, UN, VN, ang, Eng, ing, ong
In primary school Chinese textbooks, there are 16 syllables, which are: Zhi, Chi, Shi, RI, Zi, CI, Si, Yi, Wu, Yu, ye, Yue, Yin, Yun, yuan, Ying. The first nasal vowels are an, en, in, UN, VN, and the last nasal vowels are ang, Eng, ing, ong

Is it a vowel

Yes. Lian, Jian, Bian, Pian, Mian, Dian, Tian, Nian