How many pronunciations are there in Putonghua? For example, [M ā, m á, m ǎ, m à] is one, and [Qi ā ng, Qi á ng, Qi ǎ ng, Qi à ng] is one?

How many pronunciations are there in Putonghua? For example, [M ā, m á, m ǎ, m à] is one, and [Qi ā ng, Qi á ng, Qi ǎ ng, Qi à ng] is one?

According to your "algorithm", commonly used should be: more than 400

How to distinguish between "in" and "ing" in pinyin and between "en" and "eng" in pronunciation?

When you open your mouth a little longer (Note: the width of your mouth is not widened, but the distance between your upper and lower lips is widened), the heel of your tongue will automatically touch the soft palate, and the airflow will come out of the nasal cavity, so it's OK. Only in, EN, the tip of your tongue will block the gums, so that the airflow will come out of the nasal cavity

What's the difference between Pinyin g and K?
Such as the title

When the elder brother is angry, he raises the base of his tongue to support the soft palate. Then he suddenly releases it, and the weak air rushes out, making a light and short sound. When he sees the bend nine, he calls GG
When k tadpole sends K, it is almost the same as that of the hairtail, but the air flow is relatively strong
In fact, there is no difference between the pronunciation of G and K, only the difference of airflow
The above reference is from "learning pinyin"