What are the rules of Ou pronunciation in words? Why do you pronounce "Ou" differently in words such as "rough, mountain and you"?

What are the rules of Ou pronunciation in words? Why do you pronounce "Ou" differently in words such as "rough, mountain and you"?

In most cases: [&ə; u] [Au] [&;] [u] [u:] [&ə; u]: soul soul mould is connected with L [Au]: House mouth noun out in general [&;]: tough enough is connected with GH [u] [u:]: you soup would be special

The more words with the letter "Ou" and the pronunciation [ə], the better!

Most of the things at the end of ous are

What are the differences in the pronunciation of the English letters g, J and Z?
In addition to the description of pronunciation organs, it's better to have some simple and easy to understand ways

Let's describe g roughly according to Chinese pinyin. It's like the conjunction of ZH and Yi, "meaning", or the middle tone of zhyi and Ji. Don't read the vowel as EI. Some people just read pure Ji. J close to Zhi, but some people like to read Ji. Z into English and American, but the initial consonants are phonetic [Z