1. Write three fractions equal to three fifths. What is the sum of all the simplest true fractions with denominator 8?

1. Write three fractions equal to three fifths. What is the sum of all the simplest true fractions with denominator 8?

Scores equal to 3 / 5: 6 / 10, 9 / 15, 12 / 20, 15 / 25, 18 / 30, 21 / 35, 24 / 40, 27 / 45, 30 / 50. The denominator is all the simplest scores of 8: 1 / 8, 3 / 8, 5 / 8, 7 / 8. The denominator is the sum of all the simplest scores of 8: 1 / 8 + 3 / 8 +

How many are the simplest true fractions whose denominator is 8?


There is a group of Coprime numbers, which are all composite numbers. Their least common multiple is 56. These two numbers are () and (), respectively

7 and 8

Where is 21 degrees 38 south latitude and 165 degrees 21 west longitude?

Between Niue and cook islands in New Zealand

The meaning of 21 degrees
This is a friend gave me the net name, ask him the meaning of 21 ℃ also don't tell me, let me guess
There will be two sentences in the explanation of 21 ℃. This is the hint he gave me

I only know that 21g is the weight of the soul. Everyone who loves others deeply will lose 21g after death. That 21g is the purest love in the world. Even if people go, they are still lovely. The reduced 21g will stay with the people they love forever

Right triangle: long side 57.6, one acute angle 21 degrees, another acute angle 69 degrees, find the value of two short sides

One short side = 57.6 * sin21 ° = 20.64
The other short side = 57.6 * sin69 ° = 53.77

According to the meteorological observation data of a certain place, the temperature will decrease by about 6 degrees for every 1km increase in altitude. If the surface temperature of the area is 21 degrees, the temperature of a place in the upper air is - 39 degrees
Why is that
Why is that

According to the following formula, the temperature will decrease about 6 degrees for every 1km increase in altitude
So it's down from 21 degrees to - 39 degrees
Height difference (21 + 39) △ 6 = 10km

The observation data of a certain meteorological station show that the temperature decreases about 6 ℃ for every 1000 m increase in height. If the temperature at the bottom of a valley is 21 ℃, the temperature at the top of the mountain is - 9 ℃, the height of the mountain can be calculated

According to the meaning of the question: 21 − (− 9) 6 × 1000 = 5000 (meters). So the height of this place is 5000 meters. So the answer is 5000

If the ground temperature of the area is 21 degrees and the temperature of a place in the upper air is - 39 degrees, the height above the ground can be calculated
The power of rational numbers

It doesn't seem to be so troublesome. It's 10 kilometers above the ground

The meteorological observation data of a sounding balloon show that the air temperature decreases about 6 ℃ when the height increases by 1 kilometer. If the ground temperature is 21 ℃ and the temperature in the upper air is - 39 ℃, how many kilometers is the height?

∵ when the height increases by 1km, the temperature decreases by about 6 ℃, the surface temperature of a certain area is 21 ℃, the temperature of a place in the upper air is - 39 ℃, and the height of this place is: (- 39-21) / (- 6) × L = 10 (km)