If the nonempty set a = {x | 2A + 1 ≤ x ≤ 3a-5}, B = {x | 2 ≤ x ≤ 22}, what is the set of all real numbers a that can make a contained in B?

If the nonempty set a = {x | 2A + 1 ≤ x ≤ 3a-5}, B = {x | 2 ≤ x ≤ 22}, what is the set of all real numbers a that can make a contained in B?

∵ A is contained in B
And a ≥ 6
And a ≤ 9

If the real number P = {x ∩ 3 < x ≤ 22}, and the nonempty set Q = {x ∩ 2A + 1 ≤ x < 3a-5}, then q can be included in (P ∩ q)
Would you please write down your ideas?
The value range of all real numbers a_________

Q is contained in (P ∩ q)
That is, q is contained in P
That is: 2A + 1 > 3 and 3a-5 ≤ 22
a> 1 and a ≤ 9
So the value range of a is 1

If P is in the complex plane, it represents the complex number a + bi (a, B belong to real number), and points out the position of point P under the following conditions respectively
(1) a>0,b>0 (2) a0
(3) a=0,b

A is the X coordinate and B is the Y coordinate
(1) One quadrant
(2) Two quadrants
(3) On the y-axis
(4) Three or four quadrants or negative y-axis

The point corresponding to the complex Z in the complex plane is a. rotate the point a around the origin of the coordinate in a counterclockwise direction π / 2. Why is (a + bi) multiplied by I

In the coordinate system, if you turn 90 * (2n-1) degrees, the absolute values of abscissa and ordinate will be interchanged. When you turn 90 degrees counterclockwise, a will not change in sign, B will become the opposite number. Therefore, a + bi becomes - B + AI

Let m = {Z | z = a + I (1 + A ^ 2), a ∈ r}; n = {Z | z = 2 ^ t + M2 ^ (t-1) * I, m ∈ R, t ∈ r},
If M ∩ n ≠ &;, find the value range of real number M
The condition in the set n is not clear enough. It should be n = {Z | z = 2 ^ t + m * 2 ^ (t-1) * I, m ∈ R, t ∈ r}


Two complex sets a = {Z | Z-2 are known|

Let a = {Z | Z-2 + I | ≤ 2, Z ∈ C} B = {Z | z-2-i | = | Z-4 + I | Z ∈ C}
M = a ∩ B find the trajectories of the corresponding points of the elements in the set m in the complex plane
thank you
Today is the day
Thanks again

Set a represents circle (X-2) ^ + (y + 1) ^ 2

Let u = C, a = {Z | Z | - 1 | = 1 - | Z |, Z ∈ C}, B = {Z | Z}|


Given that the point corresponding to the complex z = (m-1) + (2m-1-2) I (m ∈ R) on the complex plane is in the third quadrant, the value range of M is obtained?


The complex z = (m ^ 2-8m + 15) + (m ^ 2m-15) I corresponds to the point Z in the complex plane
When finding (1) the value of real number m, the complex number Z is a pure imaginary number
(2) When point Z and point a (1, - 2) fall in the same quadrant, find the value range of real number M
Just solve the first problem

The solution is m = 5