What is the nth number of regular numbers like - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32?

What is the nth number of regular numbers like - 1,2, - 4,8, - 16,32?

an=a1*q^(n-1)=(-1)*(-2)^(n-1) =-(-2)^(n-1)

Fill in the number in □, so that the number is a multiple of three and an odd number

5,5,3 or 9,5,25, etc

Fill in a number so that each number is both a multiple of 3 and an odd number,


At least 56 plus () is a multiple of 3

At least 56 plus (1) is a multiple of 3

For a simplest fraction, the product of its numerator and denominator is 72, which may be () or (); for a simplest fraction, the sum of its numerator and denominator
9, this score may be () (fill in several if there are several) who teaches me!

For a simplest fraction, the product of its numerator and denominator is 72, which may be (1 / 72) or (8 / 9); for a simplest fraction, the sum of its numerator and denominator is 9, which may be (1 / 8 2 / 7 4 / 5)

The greatest common factor of a true fraction, numerator and denominator is 1, and their product is 39. The true fraction is () or ()

The greatest common factor of a true fraction, numerator and denominator is 1, and their product is 39. The true fraction is (3 / 13) or (1 / 39)

The numerator and denominator of the simplest true fraction have no common factor
Please, brothers and sisters,

x. All have a common factor of 1

The greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator of a true fraction is 14, and the product of the numerator and denominator is 2940

Answer: 14 / 210, 42 / 70
Decompose 2940 into 2940 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 7
Because the greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator is 14, there is
So the scores that met the requirements were 14 / 210 and 42 / 70

1. The simplest true fraction whose unit of fraction is 1 / 10 has () denominators of 2.5 / 8 increased by 16. In order to keep the size of fraction unchanged, the denominator should be ()
3. In B = C of a, the one that cannot be 0 is ()
A.a B.b C.c

There are four minimalist true scores: 1 / 10, 3 / 10, 7 / 10 and 9 / 10. I wonder if you have mistyped 5 / 8 because 5 + 16 is 21 and 21 is not a multiple of 5. If it is 5 / 8, the answer is to increase 3 times or 103

1. The simplest true fraction whose unit of fraction is 1 / 10 has () denominators of 2.8 / 5 increased by 16. In order to keep the size of fraction unchanged, the denominator should be ()
3. In B = C of a, the one that cannot be 0 is ()

1.4, i.e. 1 / 10, 3 / 10, 7 / 10, 9 / 10
2. The denominator should be increased by 10
3. What cannot be equal to 0 is a. the denominator in the fraction cannot be equal to 0