Is there any rule in the pronunciation of a e i o u in words? The pronunciation of these letters in words is very complicated, and the pronunciation of words is very difficult to remember,

Is there any rule in the pronunciation of a e i o u in words? The pronunciation of these letters in words is very complicated, and the pronunciation of words is very difficult to remember,

There are five vowels a, e, I, O and u in the 26 English letters
The pronunciation rules of A
The pronunciation of a / A is quite complicated, which can be summarized into nine situations
(1) Read [EI] in the stressed open syllable
plane[plein] radio[’reidiƏu]
wake [ weik] paper[’peipƏ]
But remember one exception: have read [H & aelig; v] instead of [heiv]
(2) Read [EI] in - ange combination
change[tʃeindʒ] strange[streindʒ] arrange [ Ə’reindʒ ]
(3) In the closed syllable before the stressed syllable, it is generally pronounced [& aelig;]
activity[æk’tiviti] transcription[træns’krip ʃ Ən]
Sometimes it is read as [&#;], for example:
accept[Ək’sept] Atlantic[Ət’læntik]
(4) In unstressed syllables, say [Ə]
substance[’sʌbstƏns] breakfast[’brekf Əst] woman[’wumƏn]
(5) It is usually pronounced in the unstressed syllable of "a-i-consonant (except R and W) + silent e"
comrade[’kɔmrid] courage[’kʌridʒ]
However, a in "one ate" is always read [EI] whether stressed or not
calculate[’kælkjuleit] late[1eit] hesitate[’heziteit]
There are two exceptions. One is the adjective form of "separate" pronounced as ['sep & # RIT], the other is climate pronounced as ['klaimit]
(6) Read after wh
what[wɔt] whatever[wɔt’ev Ə]
The exception is whele, which is pronounced as [Weil] according to the stressed open syllable
(7) Read [&;:] after W
water[’wɔ:tƏ] watch[wɔ:t ʃ] wander[’wɔ:ndƏ]
Wave and wave are exceptions. They should be pronounced as [weiv] and [weik] respectively
(8) Read [&;:] before L
chalk[tʃɔ:k] tall[tɔ:1]
always[’ɔ:lweiz] talk[tɔ:k]
However, in "shall [&#; & aelig; l] Valley ['v & aelig; Li] Shaw ['& #; & aelig; L & #; u], wall ['w &; lit]
(9) A pronounces [A:] when:
① Before s, for example:
class[ kla:s ] grass[ gra:s ]
fast[fa:st] basket[’ba:skit]
There are two exceptions, haste [heist] and taste [teist]. In addition, passage is pronounced according to the rule of stress closed syllable, and pronounced as ['p & aelig; Sid & # 658;]
② Before "m / N + consonant", for example:
advance[Əd’va:ns] France[ fra:ns ] dance[da:ns]
The exception is grand [GR & aelig; nd]
③ Before th, for example:
path[pa:θ] rather[’ra:ðƏ]
④ Before LM, for example:
calm[ka:m] palm[pa:m]
⑤ Before LF, for example:
half[ha] calf[ka]
⑥ Before F, for example:
staff[sta] after[’atƏ] afternoon[’ atƏnu:n]
The pronunciation rules of vowel E
E / E and the combination of E / E and other letters appear in many English words
(1) In the stressed open syllable, e is generally pronounced as [I:] or [I & # 399;]. &# 399;
① [i] for example: she he these

[I & # 399;] for example: Zero hero series
(2) In stressed closed syllables, e generally reads [e], for example: Set Bed ten pen
(3) In unstressed syllables, e is usually pronounced as [i] or [&;]
① [i] for example: enemy eleven exercise
② [&#;] for example: student open children
(4) Pronunciation of e with other letters:
① EA can be read as:
[I:] for example: read sea mean repeat
[e] For example: break weather breakfast
[I & # 399;] e.g. real idea Theatre
[EI] for example: great break
② EE is generally read as [I:], for example: meet Jeep see sheet sleep
③ Er is generally pronounced as [Ə:] in stressed syllables, such as term verb, and [Ə] at the end of the word,
For example: teacher worker cleaner
④ Generally speaking
[&#;:] for example: early Earth learn
[& # 603; & # 399;] for example: Bear wear
[I & # 399;] for example: heart near dear
[A:] for example: heart
⑤ EER is generally read as [I & # 399;], for example: Pioneer engineer
⑥ Eir is generally read as [& # 603; & # 399;], for example: their
⑦ Here's where are you
[& nbsp; 603; & nbsp; 399;] for example: where there is
[I & # 399;] for example: here merge
⑧ EW is mostly read as [u:], for example: bleed grew flow
⑨ Special words: Spark[ kla:k ] were[wƏ:]
The pronunciation rules of I
(1) I read [AI] in the stressed open syllable
bicycle[’baisikl] Friday[’fraidi]
private[’praivit] drive[draiv]
(2) The end of a disyllabic word is "consonant letter + le". When the syllable in front of I is absolutely open, I read [AI]
For example:
title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl]
(3) In - igh, - light, - IGN, - ILD, - ind, I read [AI]
bright [’brait] high[hai]
But there are exceptions, such as:
children[’tʃildrƏn] wind[wind]
(4) In the end - ile, - ITe, - ise, - ize, - wise, I read [AI]
advertise [’ædvƏtaiz] crocodile[’krɔkƏdail]
appetite[’æpitait] realize[’riƏlaiz]
(5) In the suffix "Que", I read [I:]
antique[æn’ti:k] technique[tek’ni:k]
unique [ju’ni:k]
(6) I read it in stressed closed syllables. For example: big city dish kid skip rich
(7) I read in disyllabic and polysyllabic words
For example: difference fifth history mixture village winner
The pronunciation rules of O
(1) O in the stressed open syllable [&; u]. For example: progress moment notice close ocean
(2) The ending of the word is - IA, - ial, - Ian, - iate, - IO, - ion, - ious, - ium, etc. when there is only one consonant letter in front of it (except R), O reads [&# - 399; u]
associate[Ə’s Əuʃieit] devotion[di’vƏuʃƏn]
(3) When the ending of a disyllabic word is - A, - Al, - an, - AR, - en, - ive, - O, - on, - or, - our, - um, - US, - y, O reads [Ə u]. For example: broken local open stolen lotus
(4) In disyllabic words and polysyllabic words, O is pronounced [Ə u]
alone[Ə’lƏun] postpone[pƏust’pƏun]
(5) In - old, - oll, - OST, O reads [& # - 399; u]
(6) O at the end of the word
(7) The ending of a polysyllabic word is "O + consonant + e", and O is also pronounced [Ə u]. For example, telephone envelope
(8) Read "U" in "move", "promote" and their derivatives, for example: move approve "
The pronunciation rules of U
The pronunciation rules of the letter U / u and the combination of U / u and other letters are as follows:
(1) In the stressed opening section, u is generally read as:
① [ju:], for example: student use
② After the letters L, R, J, read [u:], for example: Blue rule June
(2) In stressed closed syllables, it is generally read as follows:
① [&;], for example: but bus cup
② , for example: put full
(3) In unstressed syllables, it is generally read as follows:
① [&#;], e.g. up supose suggest
② [ju], e.g. communication occupation
③ Read after the letters L, R, J, for example: instrument
④ Read [ju] in - ute, - ude at the end of the word, for example: Institute attitude
But in minute [minute], u reads
(4) Pronunciation combined with other letters:
① Ur has two pronunciations
Read [a] in stressed syllables, e.g. turn nurse
In unstressed syllables, say [&#;], e.g. Saturday murmur
② There are three pronunciations of "ure"
[ju &;], for example: pure cure
[U &;], for example: sure
[&#;], for example: figure adjust please
③ UI has four pronunciations
[ju:], for example: suit
[ju], or [ju: I], for example:
suicide[’sjuisaid] tuition[tju:’i ʃ Ən]
After the letters L, R, J, read "U:", for example: fruit juice, or read "UI", for example: fluid ruin
The exception is suite reading[ swi:t ]
④ Qu is generally read as [kW], for example: question quickly

What are the words and letter combinations pronounced I3?
For example: dear, dear, near, year (ear)
The more, the better

I just want to come up with so many for the time being_ ╰)╭

What are the words with the letter E but pronounced / I /?

Ear, ear, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle, eagle
Such a lot of words, you can go to find