Standard pronunciation of Putonghua Who can tell me the difference between N and l, an / ang, in / ing, en / ENG

Standard pronunciation of Putonghua Who can tell me the difference between N and l, an / ang, in / ing, en / ENG

When pronouncing n, the tongue should touch the upper wall of the mouth. When pronouncing L, the tongue should retract to the mouth;
The last three are the same, an, en, in is the front nasal, ang, ing, eng is the back nasal, pay attention to open the throat to let the air in when pronouncing

When was the standard pronunciation of Putonghua determined
It seems that overseas Chinese also speak Putonghua

Putonghua is the common language of the modern Chinese nation, and it is the common language of all nationalities in the country. Putonghua takes Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation, northern dialect as the basic dialect, and modern vernacular writings as the grammatical norm
The word "Putonghua" appeared as early as the end of the Qing Dynasty. In 1902, Wu Rulun, a scholar, went to Japan to study. The Japanese suggested to him that China should carry out Mandarin education to unify the language. In the conversation, the name "Putonghua" was mentioned. In 1904, when Qiu Jin, a modern female revolutionary, studied in Japan, she organized a "Speech Association" with students studying in Japan and drew up a brief chapter, In 1906, Zhu Wenxiong, a scholar who studies Qieyin characters, divided Chinese into "Chinese" (classical Chinese), "Putonghua" and "colloquial" (dialect) in his book Jiangsu new alphabet, In the 1930s, Qu Qiubai pointed out in his article "war beyond the gate of hell" that "the task of literary revolution is not only to create some new poetry, novels and dramas, but also to establish a modern Mandarin language for China.", It should be used in all parts of China, modern "Renhua", polysyllabic, and ending... "
The definition of "Putonghua" has been unclear for decades before liberation, and there are different views. After the founding of new China, during the "National Conference on the reform of writing" and "Academic Conference on the standardization of modern Chinese" held in October 1955, the official name of the common language of the Chinese nation was officially defined as "Putonghua", and its definition was also determined, that is, "Taking Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation, On October 26, 1955, the people's Daily published an editorial entitled "efforts to promote the reform of Chinese characters, promote Putonghua, and realize the standardization of Chinese language." the common language of the Chinese nation is Putonghua based on the northern dialect and Beijing pronunciation. "On February 6, 1956, the State Council issued an instruction on the promotion of Putonghua, The definition of Putonghua is added as "Taking Beijing phonetics as the standard pronunciation, taking northern dialect as the basic dialect, and taking the typical modern vernacular works as the grammatical standard." this definition clearly defines the standard of Putonghua from three aspects of phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar, making the definition of Putonghua more scientific and thorough, The meaning of Putonghua is universal and common
Putonghua is a common language of the modern Chinese nation, which takes Beijing phonetics as the standard pronunciation, northern dialect as the basic dialect, and the typical modern vernacular works as the grammatical standard. This definition was determined at the National Conference on character reform and the Academic Conference on the standardization of modern Chinese in 1955, How to understand these standards?
"Taking Beijing dialect as the standard pronunciation" refers to taking the phonetic system of Beijing dialect as the standard. It does not copy all the pronunciations of Beijing dialect. Putonghua is not equal to Beijing dialect. There are many local dialects in Beijing dialect, such as "he" (H é) "as" H à n "," H ú di é "as" H ú di à R ", and" tell (g à OSU) "as" g à osong ", In addition, there are some different pronunciations in Beijing dialect, such as "invasion", some people say "Q ī n l ü è", others say "Q ǐ n l ü è"; some people say "f ù J ì n", others say "f ǔ J ì n", which also brings a lot of trouble to the promotion of Putonghua, The state has revised the pronunciation of Beijing dialect for many times and formulated the standard pronunciation of Putonghua. Therefore, the phonetic standard of Putonghua should be based on the "phonetic table of different pronunciations of Putonghua" published in 1985 and the "modern Chinese Dictionary" published in 1996
In terms of vocabulary standard, Putonghua "takes the northern dialect as the basic dialect" refers to the common saying in the vast northern dialect areas, and at the same time, it also needs to absorb the necessary words from other dialects. There are many local dialects in the northern dialect, such as Beijingers say "evening" as "late afternoon", and "reprimand" as "Yi'er", "Stingy" is called "stingy"; in many northern areas, "corn" is called "stick", soap "is called" pancrease ", and" steamed bread "is called" steamed bread ". Therefore, we should not take all the northern words as Mandarin words, but have a choice. Some dialect words in non northern areas have special meaning and expressive power, There are no corresponding synonyms in northern dialect, which can be absorbed into Putonghua vocabulary. For example, "do", "garbage", "embarrassment", "gimmick" and other words have often appeared in written language, and have already joined the ranks of Putonghua vocabulary. The vocabulary chosen by Putonghua is generally popular and has long been used in written language, The State Language Commission is organizing the compilation of modern Chinese standard dictionary, which will further standardize Mandarin vocabulary
The origin of Putonghua
The grammar standard of Putonghua is "taking the modern vernacular works as the grammar standard", This standard includes four meanings: "model" is to exclude non model modern vernacular works as grammatical norms; "vernacular" is to exclude classical Chinese; "modern vernacular" is to exclude early vernacular before the May 4th Movement; "works" refers to the written form of Putonghua, which is based on spoken language, but not equal to general spoken language, It is a language processed and refined
Putonghua was formerly the official language of ancient northern officials. Because Beijing was the capital of many dynasties, the official language was closer to Beijing dialect. Today, Nanjing dialect is not like other southern Jiangsu areas, and because Nanjing was the capital of many dynasties, it is a bit closer to the official language
The word "Putonghua" was first put forward by Zhu Wenxiong in 1906. Later Qu Qiubai and others also put forward the term "Putonghua" and argued with Mao Dun about the actual meaning of Putonghua. After the vernacular movement, popular language movement and Mandarin Movement since the May 4th movement, the status of Beijing pronunciation has been established and consolidated
After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Zhang Xiruo stated in the theme report of the "National Conference on the reform of writing" held in 1955 that the common language of the Han nationality has existed for a long time, and now it is named Putonghua, which needs to be further standardized and determined. "What is this kind of common language of the Han nationality that has gradually formed? This is the dialect based on the northern dialect, "For the sake of simplicity, this national common language can also be called Putonghua."
On February 6, 1956, the State Council issued the "instructions on the promotion of Putonghua", which supplemented and improved the meaning of Putonghua, and formally determined that Putonghua "takes Beijing pronunciation as the standard pronunciation, takes northern dialect as the basic dialect, and takes the typical modern vernacular writing as the grammatical norm". The word "Putonghua" began to be widely used with a clear connotation
February 6, 1956

Pronunciation of Putonghua
Should 2000 be read as 2000 or 2000

We should read two thousand