The factory sent a car to pick up the factory director from his home on time. One day, the factory director walked to the factory one hour in advance. As a result, on the way to the factory, he met a car sent by the factory, so he arrived at the factory 10 minutes earlier than usual? (60 - 10÷2)÷(10÷2)= 11 My question is: where can I see that the long walking time is 55 minutes? But I still don't understand For example, when I go to work at 9 o'clock, the factory director leaves home at 8 o'clock. After 55 minutes, the factory director meets a car, which is already 8:55. Can the car arrive at the factory 10 minutes ahead of time?

The factory sent a car to pick up the factory director from his home on time. One day, the factory director walked to the factory one hour in advance. As a result, on the way to the factory, he met a car sent by the factory, so he arrived at the factory 10 minutes earlier than usual? (60 - 10÷2)÷(10÷2)= 11 My question is: where can I see that the long walking time is 55 minutes? But I still don't understand For example, when I go to work at 9 o'clock, the factory director leaves home at 8 o'clock. After 55 minutes, the factory director meets a car, which is already 8:55. Can the car arrive at the factory 10 minutes ahead of time?

For example, if you go to work at 9 o'clock, the factory director doesn't leave home at 8 o'clock, so you should be early. Usually, if you go to work at 9 o'clock, the bus leaves at 8:30 to pick you up, and arrives at the factory director's home at 8:45. That is to say, the factory director usually leaves at 8:45. The factory director leaves at 7:45 an hour in advance, and the bus leaves at 8:30. When you meet the bus at 8:40, the bus leaves for 10 minutes. After you get on the bus, you walk for 10 minutes, and arrive at the factory at 8:50

Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang start from the same point of the 400m circular track and walk back. When they meet for the first time, Xiaoming turns and runs back. When they meet again, Xiaoqiang turns and runs back. After each meeting, Xiaoming and Xiaoqiang turn their directions alternately. Their speed keeps the same throughout the movement. Xiaoming runs 3 meters per second, Q: how many times did they meet at the starting point from the start to the 30th meeting? How many meters did Xiao Ming run?

First of all, let's define the positive and negative directions. If we take the counter clockwise direction as the positive direction, let's assume that at the beginning, Xiaoming runs counter clockwise and Xiaoqiang runs clockwise. That is to say, at this time, Xiaoming is positive and Xiaoqiang is negative. Then, let's analyze the situation, because the question is the 30th meeting, so we need to find the law first

There is a truck and a car driving from a to B at the same time. When the car reaches 1 / 3 of the whole journey, the truck is 66 kilometers away from B. at the same speed, when the car reaches B, the truck only reaches 4 / 5 of the whole journey. The distance between a and B can be calculated

Suppose that the distance between a and B is x km, and the distance ratio of the two vehicles is equal, so
X = 90 km