The train is 200 meters long. It takes 20 seconds to cross a 360 meter long bridge from the front to the rear. The train passes a 640 meter long bridge at the same speed A train with a body length of 200 meters passes through a 360 meter long bridge. It takes 20 seconds from the front of the train to the rear of the train. How long does it take for the train to pass through a 640 meter long tunnel at the same speed and enter from the front to the rear?

The train is 200 meters long. It takes 20 seconds to cross a 360 meter long bridge from the front to the rear. The train passes a 640 meter long bridge at the same speed A train with a body length of 200 meters passes through a 360 meter long bridge. It takes 20 seconds from the front of the train to the rear of the train. How long does it take for the train to pass through a 640 meter long tunnel at the same speed and enter from the front to the rear?

(200 + 360) divided by 20 = 28 meters (640 + 200) divided by 28 = 30 seconds
A: it takes 30 seconds from the front to the rear

A bridge is 1800 meters long. A train passes at a speed of 25 meters per second. The train is 200 meters long. How many seconds does it take to get on and off the bridge?

Distance 1800 + 200, speed 25, time 2000 / 25 = 80 seconds

The speed of the 90 meter long train is 15 meters per second. It took him 14 seconds to catch up with and surpass the 50 meter long train. If the two trains were going in opposite directions, from meeting to leaving completely
It takes () seconds to turn on

Train speed = 15 - (90 + 50) △ 14 = 5m / S
Separation time = (90 + 50) / (15 + 5) = 7 seconds

The speed of a 90 meter long train is 15 meters per second. It took him 32 seconds to catch up with and surpass the 70 meter long train. If the two trains were going in opposite directions, they would meet each other from the front
It takes () seconds for the tail to leave completely

The other speed is 15 - (90 + 70) △ 32 = 15-5 = 10 m / s
Encounter time (90 + 70) △ 15 + 10) = 160 △ 25 = 6.4 seconds
The speed of a 90 meter long train is 15 meters per second. It takes 32 seconds for him to catch up with and surpass the 70 meter long train. If the two trains run in opposite directions, it takes (6.4) seconds from the front to the rear to leave completely

The speed of a 90 meter long train is 54 kilometers per hour. It took 14 seconds for it to catch up with and surpass the 50 meter long train,
How long does it take from meeting to leaving completely?
Solve by equation

Solution: the 14 seconds of this problem should be the time from catching up to exceeding. The two cars are traveling in the same phase. From catching up to exceeding 90 meters, the car walked 140 meters more
Set the speed of 50 long cars as v
54*1000/3600 * 14 - 14V = 140
Find v
Direct use time when 20% is opposite = 140 / (V + 54 * 1000 / 3600)

The speed of a 90 meter long train is 15 meters per second. It took 14 seconds for it to catch up with and surpass the 50 meter long train,
If the two trains are going towards each other, how many seconds will it take from meeting to leaving completely

The car overtook 90 + 50 = 140 meters from overtaking to completely overtaking
It took 14 seconds, so it's over 10 meters per second
The speed of the other car is 15-10 = 5 meters per second
Now we are going in opposite directions. The relative speed is the sum of the speeds of the two cars, 20 meters per second
From meeting to leaving completely, the car is 140 meters long
So it takes seven seconds

How long does it take for a 200m long light rail train to pass through a 2.8km overpass at a speed of 15mgs?

The distance for the train to completely pass the bridge: S = l bridge + L car = 200m + 2.8 × 103m = 3000m, the time for the train to completely pass the bridge: T = st = 3000m, 15m / S = 200s

How long does it take for a 200 meter long train to pass a 700 meter long cave at a speed of 54 kilometers per hour?

Speed = 54km / h = 900m / min
Distance through the cave = 200 + 700 = 900m
Passing time = 900 / 900 = 1min
That is 1 minute through

1. How many seconds does it take for a 200m long train to cross the 400m long bridge at the speed of 72km / h?
2. The record of a riding 45km in 3H and B running 400m in 1min 20s, which of them is faster?
3. When the car runs on the 90km highway, the speed of the first half of the journey is 6m / s, and the speed of the second half is 4m / s. The average speed of the whole journey is calculated

2. V A = 45 / 3 = 15 km / h = 1500 / 60 m / min = 25 m / min > v b = 20 m / min
3. t=4500/6+4500/9=750+500=1250s
Average speed = 9000 / 1250 = 7.2m/s

It takes 21 seconds for a train to cross a 120 meter long bridge and 17 seconds to cross an 80 meter long bridge

(120-80) / (21-17) x21-120 = 90m