Xiao Ming's birthday is on May 23, and my birthday will be 100 days later. What month is my birthday

Xiao Ming's birthday is on May 23, and my birthday will be 100 days later. What month is my birthday

eight point three one

When a lion runs, it can reach 60 kilometers per hour, which is about 6 / 11 of that of a cheetah. What is the maximum speed that a cheetah can reach when running?

110 km
It's 60 divided by six out of eleven

Primary school mathematics problems are divided into several categories, what is a good way to solve it?

The more difficult problem in primary school is the simple equation problem in junior high school. This is mainly to find the relationship between the two. It is not difficult, but it needs to be done more. Otherwise, it will take a long time to solve the problem, and it may not be able to solve it. Primary school mathematics is not very difficult. Pay attention to practice