Ask parents a math problem, you can use equation or arithmetic, equation with a dollar, death of human! The school bought the same amount of football and basketball, and later bought 20 football, 15 basketball, this is basketball less than football 1 / 16, ask: now football and basketball how many?

Ask parents a math problem, you can use equation or arithmetic, equation with a dollar, death of human! The school bought the same amount of football and basketball, and later bought 20 football, 15 basketball, this is basketball less than football 1 / 16, ask: now football and basketball how many?

Set up x soccer balls
Now there are 80 football players and 75 basketball players

Ask you a math problem. It's very difficult. Let's talk about it. I'm so anxious. I can use arithmetic or equation. I need to use equation once a dollar!
The store packed and mailed a batch of books, and the books in each package were the same. When it reached 1 / 6 of the whole book, there were 33 packages and the remaining 30 books, and 167 packages were left. Q: how many books are there in this batch?

When it reached 1 / 6 of the whole book, there were 33 packages and 30 copies left,
33 △ 1 / 6 = 198 packets
30 △ 1 / 6 = 180 copies
There are 198 bags and 180 copies
Remaining: 198-33 = 165 packs, 180 copies more
180 can be packed into: 167-165 = 2 packs
Each package: 180 △ 2 = 90 copies
Total books: 90 × (33 + 167) = 18000

Sixth grade math application problems.. urgent.. help.. tomorrow to use. (to form, not equations)
6. There are 60 apricot trees in the orchard, which is 2 / 5 of pear trees. The number of pear trees is equivalent to 5 / 8 of apple trees. How many apple barrels are there?

60 / 2 / 5 = 150
150 / 5 / 8 = 240 (trees)
A: there are 240 apple trees
It's just that I think there's something wrong with this question. Have you typed it wrong? Do you still need to use equations for this question?