If the square root of X is equal to 4, what is x equal to?

If the square root of X is equal to 4, what is x equal to?


(- 1) to the power of 2010 + the power of π to the power of 0 - (1 / 3) to the power of - 1 + the third power of 8

(- 1) to the power of 2010 + the power of π to the power of 0 - (1 / 3) to the power of - 1 + the third power of 8

Root 64 + the third power of minus 8 + root 25=

Root 64 + the third power of minus 8 + root 25
= 7
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How much is the minus fourth power of the root eight equal

The root 8 is three-thirds of 2, so the answer is a quarter

What is the root 8 + 2 times sin 30 degrees - 4 times cos 45 degrees

Solution: root 8 + 2 times sin 30 degrees - 4 times cos 45 degrees
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Compare the 11 th power of 31 with the 14 th power of 17




Given that the a power of 2 = 3, the B power of 8 = 6, find the quantitative relationship between a and B


Given that 2A = 3, 2b = 6, 2C = 12, try to judge the relationship between a, B, C

∵ 2A = 3, 2b = 6, 2C = 12, and 6 × 6 = 62 = 3 × 12,

The - 4th power of Radix 10

=1 / (root 10) ^ 4