The image of function y = SiNx is transformed into the image of function y = 3sin (2x + π / 3) + 1 by two methods RT, in two ways

The image of function y = SiNx is transformed into the image of function y = 3sin (2x + π / 3) + 1 by two methods RT, in two ways

First shift π / 3 unit length to the left, then change the abscissa to 2 / 1 of the original, then change the ordinate to 3 times of the original, and finally move up 1 unit length
First, the abscissa is changed to 2 / 1 of the original, then π / 6 unit length is shifted to the right, then the ordinate is changed to 3 times of the original, and finally 1 unit length is shifted upward

Given the function y = 3sin (1 / 2x - π / 4), the equation of the symmetry axis of this function image is obtained

(1) Axis of symmetry
Symmetry axis X = 2K π + 3 π / 2, K ∈ Z
(2) Center of symmetry
Symmetry center (2k π + π / 2,0) k ∈ Z

What are the coordinates of all symmetry centers of the function y = 3sin (2x + π / 3)? The equation of all symmetry axes? RT. etc How to find out..



By 2x + π
2, x = k π
Let k = 0, then x = π
The equation of its symmetry axis is x = π
Therefore, C

The symmetric axis equation of the function y = 3sin (2x + π / 3) is?

The function of sine function and the idea of global substitution
Let 2x + π / 3 = t, then y = 3sint. The symmetric axis equation of the sinusoidal function is that if t = π / 2 + K π, K belongs to Z
Then 2x + π / 3 = π / 2 + K π, K belongs to Z
X = - π / 12 + K π / 2, K belongs to Z
Do you understand? We need to study the symmetry axis of sine function, and then deduce the symmetry axis of sine function
I don't know how to ask questions~

In order to get the image of the function y = cosx (x + π / 3), we need only change the image of function y = SiNx_________ How to understand how to translate it to the left by 5 π / 6 units of length

The image of y = cosx can be seen as the image of y = SiNx is shifted to the left π / 2, while the image of y = cosx (x + π / 3) is obtained by shifting the image of y = cosx by π / 3, so the image of y = cosx (x + π / 3) is obtained by shifting the image of y = SiNx to the left by π / 2 + π / 3 (= 5 π / 6)

When x approaches a, find the limit of (SiNx Sina) / x-a

Method 1: SiNx sina is transformed into 2cos [(x + a) / 2] · sin [(x-a) / 2] by using the sum difference product formula, and then replaced by equivalent infinitesimal
lim(x→a) [(sinx-sina)/(x-a)]
=lim(x→a) 2cos[(x+a)/2]·sin[(x-a)/2]/(x-a)
=2cosa*lim(x→a) [sin[(x-a)/2]/(x-a)
Method two: lophida's rule
lim(x→a) [(sinx-sina)/(x-a)]
=lim(x→a) [(sinx-sina)'/(x-a)']
=lim(x→a) cosx

The limit of (SiNx Sina) / x-a when x tends to a

X → a, SiNx Sina → 0, (x-a) → 0
So the limit is cosa
The conditions for satisfying the law of l'urbida are as follows
The denominator tends to zero or infinity at the same time

Find the limit of (SiNx Sina) / (x-a) when x tends to a Write a general idea,

The sum difference product of molecules must have sin (x-a), so it is directly converted to x-a

(SiNx Sina) / (x-a) when x → a, what is its limit? How to calculate it, As the title

If you remember correctly, use the Loby's law to get cosx / 1 = cosa