As shown in Fig. 3, in the triangle ABC, ad bisects ∠ BAC, passing through B is vertical ad, perpendicular to foot is point E, crossing e is EF / / AC, and ab is intersected with F, AF and BF

As shown in Fig. 3, in the triangle ABC, ad bisects ∠ BAC, passing through B is vertical ad, perpendicular to foot is point E, crossing e is EF / / AC, and ab is intersected with F, AF and BF

∠AEB=90º,∠FEA=∠EAC=∠EAB,∴ AF=FE.

As shown in the figure, △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, ∠ ACB = 90 °, extend BC to D, connect ad, pass point B as be ⊥ ad in E, and cross AC to F. in this figure, which two triangles can be regarded as one of the triangles rotated along a certain point? Try to explain why

∵ △ ABC is an isosceles triangle, ∵ ACB = 90 °,
And ∵ be ⊥ ad in E,
Therefore, △ ACD is obtained by rotating △ BCF 90 ° clockwise around point C

As shown in the figure, in the triangle ABC, ∠ BAC = 90 ° Ao is perpendicular to BC to D, be bisects ∠ ABC and intersects ad with F. it is proved that the triangle AEF is an isosceles triangle

∠ DBF = ∠ ABF (angular bisector)
∠ FDB = ∠ BAE (right angle)
The triangle AEF is an isosceles triangle

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ad bisects ∠ BAC, de ∥ AC, EF ⊥ ad intersecting BC extension line at F. it is proved that ∠ fac = ∠ B

Proof: ∵ ad bisection ∠ BAC,
And ∵ EF ⊥ ad,
/ / EF is the vertical bisector of AD,
And ? fad = ∵ CAD + ∠ fac,

As shown in the figure, ad is the angular bisector of △ ABC, the extended line of be ⊥ ad crossing ad is at e, EF ∥ AC is crossing AB to F. it is proved that AF = FB

Proof: ∵ ad bisection ∠ BAC,

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ad bisects ∠ BAC, de ∥ AC, EF ⊥ ad intersecting BC extension line at F. it is proved that ∠ fac = ∠ B

Proof: ∵ ad bisection ∠ BAC,
And ∵ EF ⊥ ad,
/ / EF is the vertical bisector of AD,
And ? fad = ∵ CAD + ∠ fac,

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ad bisects ∠ BAC, and the vertical bisector EF of ad intersects with the extension line of BC at point F and connects AF. it is proved that ∠ CAF = ∠ B

It is proved that: ∵ EF vertical bisection ad,  AF = DF,  ADF = ∠ DAF,
And ∵ ad bisection ∵ BAC,

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ad and BD bisect ∠ BAC and ∠ ABC, extend the circumscribed circle of △ ABC to e and connect be

It is proved that: ∠ EBC = ∠ EAC (equal to the circumference angle of the same arc). (2 points) ? ad, BD bisect  BAC and ∠ ABC, ? BAE = ∠ EAC, ∠ DBC = ∠ abd, (1 point) ? EBC = ∠ BAE, (1 point) ? EBC + ∠ DBC = ? EBD (as shown in the figure) ∠ BAE + ∠ a

As shown in the figure, in triangle ABC, angle c = 2, angle B, ad is the angular bisector of triangle ABC, and point E is on the vertical bisector of DB As shown in the figure in the triangle ABC, angle c = 2, angle B, ad is the angular bisector of triangle ABC, and point E is on the vertical bisector of DB. What is the size relationship between AB and AC + CD? Please explain the reasons

It is very simple that the vertical bisector of BD intersects AB in M, BD in N. because Mn bisects BD vertically, MB = MD ∠ B = ∠ MDB (three lines in one) ∠ amd = ∠ B + ∠ MDB because the angle c = 2 angle B, so ∠ C = ∠ AMD in △ AMD and △ ACD ∠ C = ∠ AMD ∠ CAD (AD is the angular bisector of triangle ABC) ad = ad △ amd

As shown in the figure, it is known that ad is the bisector of the outer angle ∠ EAC of △ ABC, and ad intersects the circumscribed circle of triangle ABC at D. It is proved that DB = DC If you want the auxiliary line, it is better to attach the figure,

Let p be a point on the extension line of Da, angle ead = angle PAB = angle DCB, angle ead = angle CAD = angle CBD
I did it in happy practice