In p-abcd of tetrahedral pyramid, ∠ ABC = ∠ ACD = 90 *, ∠ BAC = ∠ CAD = 60, PA ⊥ ABCD, PA = 2Ab, E.F. are PD, PC midpoint: CE is parallel to plane PA

In p-abcd of tetrahedral pyramid, ∠ ABC = ∠ ACD = 90 *, ∠ BAC = ∠ CAD = 60, PA ⊥ ABCD, PA = 2Ab, E.F. are PD, PC midpoint: CE is parallel to plane PA

If your face is parallel to PAB, then make an auxiliary line and make an H point at the middle point of ad.. Connection point EFH
It's up to you to think about it. It's the same as if you've got all your meals and you've got someone to feed you. My friend, think about it,

The quadrilateral ABCD is a rhomboid ∠ ABCD = 30bd = 8piu. Find the degree of ∠ DAB, ∠ ABC, and the length of AB, AC

Since it is diamond and BD = 8, then AC and ab are also 8, but your angle ABCD is god horse situation

The circumference of diamond ABCD is 40cm, and ∠ ABC = 120 °. (1) the degree of abd and DAB. (2) calculate the area of diamond ABCD (3) Find the length of two diagonal lines AC and BD. BD bisection ∠ ABC is known

The circumference of diamond ABCD is 40 cm, ∠ ABC = 120 °
(1) The degree of abd and DAB
 ADC = 120 ° (the opposite angles of diamond are equal)
And ? ABC +  bad = 180 ° (complementary neighboring angles of diamond)
(2) Find the area of diamond ABCD
Pass through point D as de ⊥ AB at point E
The circumference of diamond ABCD is 40 cm
The area of diamond ABCD: 10 × 5 √ 3 = 50 √ 3 (cm2)
3) Find the length of two diagonals AC and BD
∵ in diamond ABCD,

As shown in the figure, the radius of circle O is OA = 5cm, AB is a chord, C is a point on AB, and OC is perpendicular to OA, OC = BC. Find the degree of angle A and the length of ab

Connecting ob, the triangle OAB and CBO are isosceles triangle
Angle Bao = ABO, ABO = cob
Bao = ABO angle
In triangle OAB: angle OAB + ABO + BOC + 90 degrees = 180 degrees
Results: OAB of 3 * angle is 90 degrees
So the angle OAB is 30 degrees
AB = 5 * radical 3

As shown in the figure, the chord AC = chord CB, CD is perpendicular to OA in D, CE is perpendicular to ob in e. the process of proving CD = CE should be detailed

Connect OC
⌒  ⌒
So CD = CE

As shown in the figure: ⊙ o chord CD is perpendicular to diameter AB, e is the midpoint of arc BC, AE intersects CD and CB at g and f respectively, then: () why? A、 AB=CD B、 AF=BF C、 AG=CG D、 CG=CF

Choice: D
Connect be, let AB and CD intersect M
Because AB is the diameter, ab ⊥ CD
Therefore, e = AMG = 90 degrees
Therefore, a + AGM = CBE + BFE = 90 degrees
Because e is the midpoint of arc BC
So arc be = arc CE
Therefore, a = CBE
Therefore, AGM = BFE
Because ∠ CGF = AGM, ∠ BFE = ∠ CFG
So ∠ CGF = CFG
So CG = CF

In the circle O, the chords AB and CD intersect at point e. it is proved that AE * EB = CE * ed

Because: angle ade = arc AC, angle CBE = arc AC
So: angle ade = angle CBE, and angle AED = angle bec
So: Triangle ade is similar to triangle BCE
That is: AE / CE = de / be
So: AE * EB = CE * De

AB, CD are two mutually perpendicular chords in circle O, with the center angle AOC = 130 ° ad; the extension line of CB intersects at P, and the angle P is calculated


As shown in the figure, the two chords AB and CD of circle O intersect at point E, EF ∥ CB, EF intersects the extension line of ad at point F, FG tangent circle O at point G, EF = 2, then the length of FG is () A. 1 Two B. 1 Three C. 1 D. 2

∵ in circle O, ᙽ a, ᙽ C are the same as the opposite arc BD,  a = ∠ C
So ∠ def = ∠ a,
 DFE = ∵ EFA,  DFE ∵ EFA, FD is obtained
∵ FG tangent o at point G, ᙽ fg2 = FD · FA, then EF = FG
The length of FG is 2
Therefore, D

AB is the diameter of the circle, chord CD is perpendicular to point E, point P is on the circle, angle CBP = angle BCD, CB is parallel to PD, if BC = 3, the sine value of angle BPD is equal to 3:5 Find the diameter of a circle

∴BE=9/5 CE=12/5
Connecting AC
The diameter of the circle is 5