It is known that AB is the diameter of ⊙ O. the straight line BC and ⊙ o are tangent to point B. through a, ad ⊙ OC intersects ⊙ o at point D and connects CD Proof: CD is tangent of ⊙ o

It is known that AB is the diameter of ⊙ O. the straight line BC and ⊙ o are tangent to point B. through a, ad ⊙ OC intersects ⊙ o at point D and connects CD Proof: CD is tangent of ⊙ o

It is proved that: connecting OD, as shown in the figure: ∵ OA = OD,  ODA = ∵ ad ∵ Co,  cod = ∠ ODA, ? cob.  cod = ∠ cob. In △ ODC and △ OBC, OD = ob ∠ doc = bococ = OC ≌≌△ OBC (SAS)  ODC = ∠ OBC ≌ ≌ CB is tangent of circle O and ob is

AB is the diameter of circle O, and ad is the chord of circle O. the tangent passing through point B intersects with the extension line of ad at point C, and ad = DC?

45 degrees
Just prove that triangle ABC is an isosceles right triangle

It is known that in the circle O, AB is the diameter and ad is the chord. The tangent line passing through point B intersects with the extension line of ad at C, and ad = DC. Find the degree of angle abd


In the circle whose center is O, AB is the diameter and ad is the tangent line of chord passing through point B. BC and the extension line of ad intersect at point C and ad is equal to CD. What is the degree of angle abd In the circle whose center is O, AB is the diameter, ad is the tangent line of chord passing through point B, BC intersects with the extension line of ad at point C, and ad is equal to the degree of angle abd obtained by CD

Because AB is the diameter of circle O, BC is the tangent of circle o,
So BC is perpendicular to AB, and the angle ABC is 90 degrees,
B is the diameter of circle O, and point D is on circle o,
So the angle ADB is a right angle, BD is perpendicular to AC,
And because ad = CD,
So BD is the vertical bisector of AC,
So Ba = BC
So BD bisection angle ABC,
Because the angle ABC = 90 degrees,
So the angle abd is 45 degrees

In the circle whose center is O, AB is the diameter, ad is the tangent line of chord passing through point B, BC intersects with the extension line of ad at point C, and ad is equal to the degree of angle abd obtained by CD

connect BD.BD If the angle DAB = 45, then the angle abd = 90-45 = 45 degrees

Known: as shown in the figure, in circle O, diameter AB intersects chord CD at point m, and M is the midpoint of CD, point P is on the extension line of DC, PE is the tangent line of circle O, e is the tangent point, AE is the tangent point I can do it already

In the circle O, the diameter AB intersects with the chord CD at point m, and M is the midpoint of CD, point P is the tangent line of circle O, e is the tangent point of circle O, AE and CD intersect at F. it is proved that: ∵ diameter AB and chord CD intersect at point m, and M is the midpoint of CD ? it can be proved that ab ⊥ CD, ? ABF = 90 °, ? AFB + ?

As shown in the figure, the radius OC of ⊙ o is 6cm, and the chord AB bisects OC vertically, then ab=______ cm.

Let the perpendicular foot of AB and OC be point P, connected with OA, as shown in Fig,
∵ chord AB is vertically bisected OC,
The radius OC of ⊙ o is 6cm,
/ / op = 3 and OA = 6,
So the answer is 6

As shown in the figure, the radius OC of ⊙ o is 6cm, and the chord AB bisects OC vertically, then ab=______ cm,∠AOB=______ .

Let the intersection point of OC and ab be D, as shown in the figure: ∵ radius OC ⊥ AB, ᙽ point D is the midpoint of chord AB, that is, ad = BD = 12ab, and ∵ chord AB vertically bisects OC, and OC = 6cm,  od = CD = 12oc = 3cm. In RT △ AOD, OA = OC = 6cm, OD = 3cm

As shown in the figure, the radius OC of ⊙ o is 6cm, and the chord AB bisects OC vertically, then ab=______ cm,∠AOB=______ .

Let the intersection point of OC and ab be D, as shown in the figure:
∵ radius OC ⊥ AB,
The point D is the midpoint of the chord AB, that is, ad = BD = 1
And ∵ the chord AB is vertically bisected OC, and OC = 6cm,
In RT △ AOD, OA = OC = 6cm, OD = 3cm,
According to Pythagorean theorem: ad=
Then AB = 2ad = 6
ν OC is the bisector of AOB, i.e. ∠ AOC = ∠ BOC = 1
In RT △ AOD, sin ∠ AOC = ad
Then ∠ AOB = 2 ∠ AOC = 120 °
So the answer is: 6

As shown in the figure, AB is the chord (non diameter) of ⊙ o, C and D are two points on AB, and AC = BD Confirmation: OC = OD

It is proved that if O is used as OE ⊥ AB in E, then AE = be, (4 points)
And ∵ AC = BD, ∵ CE = De
The OE is the vertical line of CD, (6 points)
/ / OC = OD. (8 points)