As shown in the figure, in diamond ABCD, AE ⊥ BC, perpendicular foot is e, angle DAE = 2, angle BAE, BD = 15, find the length of AC, ab

As shown in the figure, in diamond ABCD, AE ⊥ BC, perpendicular foot is e, angle DAE = 2, angle BAE, BD = 15, find the length of AC, ab

∵ a quadrilateral ABCD is a rhomboid ∵ ad ∵ BC ∵ AE ⊥ BC ∵ DAE = 90  BAE = 45 ° when  DAB is an acute angle, then ∠ DAB = ∠ Dae - ∠ BAE = 45 °: point E is on the extension line of CB, passing through point B is BF ⊥ ad at F, there is ⊥ AFB is isosceles right triangle, let AB = a, there is AF = BF = √ 2 / 2a in right triangle

As shown in the figure, there is a point E on the BC side of the square ABCD, and the bisector of DAE intersects CD at F. try to explain AE = DF + be by using the method of rotation

The result shows that: (1) if the angle of ∞ is ∞, then ∞ aff = ????????????

As shown in the figure, there is a point E on the edge BC of the square ABCD. The intersection CD and F of the bisector are obtained. It is proved that AE = DF + be

It is proved that: take a point G on the extension line of CB, make BG = DF, connect Ag ∵ square, ABCD ∵ ab ∵ AB = ad, ∵ ABG ∵ ADC = 90 ? BG ≌ BG = DF ≌ ADF (SAS) ? g ? g ? g, make BG = DF, make BG = DF, connect Ag ∠ BAE ∵ ab ∵ C

As shown in the figure, in the square ABCD, F is the midpoint of CD, E is a point on the edge of BC, and AF bisects [DAE], to verify: AE=EC+CD

It is proved that ∵ AF bisection ∵ DAE, ∵ d = 90 ° FH ⊥ AE,
And ∵ DF = FC = FH, Fe is the common edge,

In the square ABCD, e is a point on BC, AF bisects ∠ DAE and intersects CD with F. it is proved that AE = be + DF

From ab = ad, BG = DF, ABG = ADF = ADF = ADF ∵ ABCD is a square, ᙽ AB = ad, ᚛ bad ∵ bad ∵ ABC ∵ D ∵ d = 90 ∵ a ∵ ABC = 90 ∵ ABG = 90 ° from ab = ad, BG = DF, ABG = ADF = 90 °, from ab = ad, BG = DF, ABG = ADF = ADF, ≌ g ≌ ADF, ? g ? AFD ? bag ᙨ bag ᙨ DAF g = B

It is proved that AE = be + DF

Rotate △ Abe with point a as the origin, so that ab coincides with AD, e to e '
So AE '= e'f
That is, AE = be + DF

As shown in the figure, ab = AC, ad bisection angle BAC, AB bisection angle DAE, AE vertical be, vertical foot E



The intersection point of AM and CD is point n. extend am to f to make MF = am
﹤ Abe is a parallelogram
∴BF=AE ∠ABF+∠BAE=180°

3 as shown in the figure, ab = AC, ad = AE, M is the midpoint of be, ∠ BAC = ∠ DAE = 90 °. Verification: am ⊥ DC

It is proved that: as shown in the figure, the plane rectangular coordinate system is established with point a as the origin, AC as the positive half axis of X axis and ab as the negative half axis of Y axis. Let e (m, n), C (R, 0), then: D (n, - M), B (0, - R), m (M / 2, (N-R) / 2)

AB equals AC, ad equals AE, angle BAC equals angle, DAE equals 90 degrees, M is the midpoint of be, find am vertical DC, thank you Thank you for your trouble. The common vertex of ade and ADC is a

Drawing shows that the quadrilateral BCDE is isosceles trapezoid
Extended Ma cross DC and F
Therefore, ABM + ADF = 90
M is the midpoint of be, then am = MB
Therefore, ADF + DAF = 90
So am vertical DC