As shown in the figure, AB is the chord of ⊙ o, points c and D are on the chord AB, and OC = OD

As shown in the figure, AB is the chord of ⊙ o, points c and D are on the chord AB, and OC = OD

It is proved that the point O is oh ⊥ AB, and the vertical foot is h, (1 point)
ν ah = BH, (2 points)
∵ OC = OD, and oh ⊥ CD,
ν ch = DH, (4 points)
/ / AC = BD. (6 points)

AB is the chord of circle O. C, D are on AB, and AC = CD = dB. The extension line of OC and OD intersects circle O at E.F The results showed that the angle cod > angle AOC

Connect EF, easy to know EF parallel ab
The extension Fe and OA intersect at point G
According to the equal proportion theorem, AE = EF
Connect AE in triangle AEG
Gae-180 angle
Therefore, the angle gae > gea
Therefore, Ge > AE
Angle cod > angle AOC

In the circle O, AB is the diameter, AC is the chord, point D is on the chord AC, and OD = 5, ∠ ADO = 2 ∠ a = 60 ° and the length of CD is

Connect BC, because C is a point on the circumference, so ∠ ACB = 90 degrees, because ∠ ADO = 60, ∠ a = 30, so ∠ AOD = 90, so triangle ADO is similar to triangle ABC, because do = 5, Ao = 5, root sign 3, ab = 10 root sign 3, ad = 10, AD / AB = AO / AC, AC = 15, so CD = ac-ad = 5

As shown in the figure, OA is perpendicular to OC, ob is perpendicular to OD, and angle AOD = 2 angle BOC. Calculate the size of angle BOC

Because angle BOD equals angle AOD plus angle AOB equals 90 degrees. Angle AOC equals angle AOB and angle cob equals 90 degrees. And because angle AOD equals to angle BOC, it is very simple

As shown in the figure, AB is a chord of ⊙ o, OD ⊥ AB is at point D and point E is on ⊙ O. (2) if OC = 3, OA = 5, find the length of ab (2) If OC = 3, OA = 5, find the length of ab. (3) if P is a moving point on ⊙ o (which does not coincide with a and b), try to determine the quantitative relationship between ∠ APB and ∠ AOD? Please prove your conclusion

OC = 3?, without C, is it d? 2, ∵ AB is a chord of ⊙ o, and OD ⊥ AB is a chord of ⊙ o, and OD ⊥ AB is a chord of ⊙ o, and OD ⊥ AB is a chord of ⊙ o ⊥ AB at point dad = BD (any chord on the circle is vertically bisected by a vertical line passing through the center of the circle, which can be proved by congruent ⊥) ∵ OC = 3, OA = 5ad ∧ - od

As shown in the figure, the "O" and "O" intersect at two points a and B, point O is on "O", and the chord OC of O intersects AB at point D. It is proved that OA 2 = OC × OD

Proof: in "O"
∵ AB is the chord and OE is the radius
ν arc Ao = arc Bo
∵ OC is the diameter, OC ⊥ ab
/ / OA ratio OC = od ratio OA
That is, OA 2 = OC × OD

A. B, C and D are on the same straight line, ab = CD, CE ⊥ ad, BF ⊥ ad, respectively. The vertical feet are C, D, connecting EF and crossing ad to g, AE ⊥ DF (1) Try to explain EF bisector BC (2) If △ BFD is translated along ad direction, other conditions remain unchanged, is the above conclusion still valid? (make do with it. I can't insert the picture, and I can't find it.) use ∵

Ψ ace = ∠ DBF = 90 ° (vertical definition)
And ∵ AB = CD
In RT △ ace and RT △ BDF
In △ ECG and △ BFG
ν EF bisection BC
(2) Similarly, it can be concluded that it is tenable

In the parallelogram ABCD, ad = 2Ab, extend AB to F, make BF = AB, extend Ba to e, make AE = AB, connect CE and DF to cross ad, BC to g, H CE ⊥ DF respectively Come on, write out the proof. Thank you

In triangle EBC and triangle EAG, because Ag / / BC, and ab = AE, 2ag = BC = ad, that is, G is the midpoint of AD; similarly, in triangle ADF and triangle BHF, because BH / / AD, and ab = BF, 2bh = ad = BC, so h is the midpoint of BC connecting GH, because GD = CD = ch = GH, so gdch is a diamond, so diagonals are mutually

Given the intersection point O, AB / / CD, OA = OD, AE = DF, prove be / / CF

How to solve it without drawing? Do you draw freely?

AB = CD, AE perpendicular to e, DF perpendicular to BC to F, ad crossed to o, OA = OD

The results and detailed process have been thought out in the exercise book. Give wealth first, then send the answer