How do you calculate the power of 1999 multiplied by the power of 2000

How do you calculate the power of 1999 multiplied by the power of 2000


The fourth power of 64 times the third power of 8 is equal to the X of 2. How much is x equal to?

∴64⁴* 8³=2^33

What is the 2010 power of 4 multiplied by the 2011 power of minus 0.25?

4 to the 2010 power and minus 0.25 to the 2011 power
=The 2010 power of 4 is minus 0.25, and the 2010 power is minus 0.25
=(4 times minus 0.25) is multiplied by minus 0.25
=The 2010 power of (- 1) is minus 0.25
=1 times minus 0.25

The 2010 power of (- 0.25) times the 2011 power of (- 4) times the 2012 power of (- 1)


The 2011 power of 8 times the 2012 power of 0.25 is equal to It's the 2012 power of 8

The 2011 power of 8 times the 2012 power of 0.25
=The 2011 power of (8 × 0.25) is × 0.25
=The 2011 power of 2 × 0.25
=2 to the 2009 power × 4 × 0.25
=The 2009 power of 2

2 times the 2012 power by one-half of the 2011 power


Calculate the second power of 2013 - 2012 * 2014, please use the formula of square difference

The 2nd power of 2013 - 2012 * 2014

2's 2013 power divided by (2's 2012 power - 2's 2014 power)

2's 2013 power divided by (2's 2012 power - 2's 2014 power)
=2's 2013 power divided by (2's 2012 power - 4x2's 2012 power)
=2 to the 2013 power divided by (- 3x2 to the 2012 power)
= -2/3

One minus one-half to the 2009 power and minus two to the 2010 power is equal to (process)

The original formula is: 1 minus one-half of the 2009 power multiplied by minus two, and one minus one-half equals to one-half. That is to say, one-half of the 2009 power multiplied by minus two multiplied by minus two. The base number of the same power can be multiplied, that is, one-half multiplied by minus two is negative one, and the 2009 power of negative one multiplied by minus two equals negative two, and the final result is 2

A × (2013 power of 2012 minus 2013 × 2012 power) = 0 a =?

A × (2013 power of 2012 minus 2013 × 2012 power) = 0
The power of 2013 in 2012 is obviously not equal to 0
So a = 0