Let x = ln (1 + T ^ 2), y = t-arctant. Find (d ^ 2Y) / (DX ^ 2) In addition, if we find dy / DX ^ 2, d ^ 2Y / DX, what is the calculation?

Let x = ln (1 + T ^ 2), y = t-arctant. Find (d ^ 2Y) / (DX ^ 2) In addition, if we find dy / DX ^ 2, d ^ 2Y / DX, what is the calculation?

Dy / DX = [1-1 / (1 + T?) / [2T / (1 + T?)] = t / 2D? Y / DX? = (1 / 2) * DT / DX = (1 / 2) / (DX / DT) = (1 / 2) / [2T / (1 + T?)] = (1 + T?) / (4T) I hope it can help you. If you solve the problem, please click the "select as satisfied answer" button below

How to calculate the - 1 power of a number


Calculate the 2007 power of (- 0.25) times the 2008 power of 4

The 2007 power of (- 0.25) times the 2008 power of 4
=- 0.25 to the 2007 power x 4
=-(0.25x4) to the 2007 power X4
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Wish you progress!

Cos squared minus sin (- α) Tan (360 degrees + α) Simplify!

sin(-x)= - sinx
Tan (360 + x) = TaNx. The period of TaNx is π, that is 180 degrees
So the original formula is changed into

Calculate (√ 5-2) 2011 power * (√ 5 + 2) 2010 power

(√ 5-2) 2011 power * (√ 5 + 2) 2010 power
=(√ 5-2) * (√ 5-2) 2010 power * (√ 5 + 2) 2010 power
Hope to help you

Simplification. Sin α cos α (Tan α + cos α)


Simplification: cos (π / 2 + α) - Tan (π / 2 - α) sin (π / 2 + α)


Simplification of COS (π - α) sin (α + 2 π) / cos ^ 2 (- α - π) Tan (2 π - α)


Simplify the - 1 power of [sin square (π + a) cos (π / 2-A) + Tan (2x-a) cos (- a)] / - Sin square (- a) + Tan (- π + a) [Tan (a + π)]


If the quadratic power of x = (- radical 3), then x is equal to

± radical 3