Like CH3- CH - CH2- CH3↓ CH3 You tell me the organic matter! Not at all! Isn't that the first... Like CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 ↓CH3 Talk to me about your organics! Not at all! Isn't the hydrogen in the first CH3 not enough, borrowed one from the hydrogen in CH! That's five carbons. That's not enough hydrogen! Like CH3- CH - CH2- CH3↓ CH3 You say this organic matter to me! Not at all! Isn't that the first... Like CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 ↓CH3 Talk to me about your organics! Not at all! Isn't the hydrogen in the first CH3 not enough, borrowed one from the hydrogen in CH! That's five carbons. That's not enough hydrogen!

Like CH3- CH - CH2- CH3↓ CH3 You tell me the organic matter! Not at all! Isn't that the first... Like CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 ↓CH3 Talk to me about your organics! Not at all! Isn't the hydrogen in the first CH3 not enough, borrowed one from the hydrogen in CH! That's five carbons. That's not enough hydrogen! Like CH3- CH - CH2- CH3↓ CH3 You say this organic matter to me! Not at all! Isn't that the first... Like CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 ↓CH3 Talk to me about your organics! Not at all! Isn't the hydrogen in the first CH3 not enough, borrowed one from the hydrogen in CH! That's five carbons. That's not enough hydrogen!

The molecular formula of CH3-CH-CH2-CH3 is C5H12, which conforms to the general formula of alkane CnH2n+2. How is it not enough?
They have four bonds around them, some carbon - carbon bonds, and the rest hydrogen atoms.

The molecular formula of CH3—CH—CH2—CH3 is C5H12, which conforms to the general formula of alkane CnH2n+2 is it not enough?
They have four bonds around them, some carbon - carbon bonds, and the rest hydrogen atoms.

Sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide