The laboratory uses potassium permanganate, potassium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide solutions to produce oxygen. Please answer the following questions. The laboratory uses potassium permanganate, potassium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide solutions to produce oxygen. Please answer the following questions. (1) It is correct to state that A can be used with the same gas generating apparatus B can be used with the same gas to the same basic reaction type D reaction conditions are the same (2) In the preparation process, the catalyst to be added to the raw material in advance is (fill in the raw material name)______________ (3) If the solid residue after potassium permanganate oxygen production is added to potassium chlorate, the reaction process of potassium chlorate oxygen production can also be accelerated because ______________________________

The laboratory uses potassium permanganate, potassium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide solutions to produce oxygen. Please answer the following questions. The laboratory uses potassium permanganate, potassium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide solutions to produce oxygen. Please answer the following questions. (1) It is correct to state that A can be used with the same gas generating apparatus B can be used with the same gas to the same basic reaction type D reaction conditions are the same (2) In the preparation process, the catalyst to be added to the raw material in advance is (fill in the raw material name)______________ (3) If the solid residue after potassium permanganate oxygen production is added to potassium chlorate, the reaction process of potassium chlorate oxygen production can also be accelerated because ______________________________

1) Select B and C
A can't use the same device. The first two should be heated and the second one should n' t be heated
B Yes, because the resulting gas is oxygen.
Yeah, it's all decomposition.
D is different, the first two are heated and the second one is not heated
2) Potassium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide solution
Because the decomposition of potassium permanganate produces MnO2, MnO2 can be used as a catalyst for the decomposition of potassium chlorate to produce oxygen

Find the following chemical equation:1. Decomposition of potassium permanganate to produce oxygen 2. Decomposition of potassium chlorate to produce oxygen 3. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen 4. Electrolytic water 5. Carbon burns in oxygen 6.Sulfur burns in oxygen 7. Iron burns in oxygen 8. Phosphorus burns in oxygen 9. Magnesium combustion in oxygen 10. Combustion of hydrogen carbon in oxygen (Good or quick bonus) Find the following chemical equation:1. Decomposition of potassium permanganate to produce oxygen 2. Decomposition of potassium chlorate to produce oxygen 3. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen 4. Electrolytic water 5. Carbon burning in oxygen 6.Sulfur burns in oxygen 7. Iron burns in oxygen 8. Phosphorus burns in oxygen 9. Magnesium combustion in oxygen 10. Combustion of hydrogen carbon in oxygen (Good or quick bonus) Find the following chemical equation:1. Decomposition of potassium permanganate to produce oxygen 2. Decomposition of potassium chlorate to produce oxygen 3. Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to produce oxygen 4. Electrolytic water 5. Carbon burns in oxygen 6. Sulfur burning in oxygen 7. Iron burns in oxygen 8. Phosphorus burns in oxygen 9. Magnesium combustion in oxygen 10. Combustion of hydrogen carbon in oxygen (Good or quick bonus)

1.2KMn04==K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑2,2KClO3==2KCl+3O2↑3,2H2O2=(MnO2)=2H2O+O2↑4,2H2O=energized=2H2↑+O2↑5, C+O2=ignition=CO26, S+O2=ignition=SO27,4Fe+3O2=ignition=2Fe2O38,4P+5O2=ignition=2P2O59,2Mg+O2=ignition=2MgO10,2H2+O2=...