Manganese dioxide appears in the laboratory when potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are used to produce oxygen. A Manganese dioxide is a reactant in both reactions B Manganese dioxide is a product in both reactions C Manganese dioxide is a catalyst in both reactions D Manganese dioxide is a product in the former reaction and a catalyst in the latter.

Manganese dioxide appears in the laboratory when potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide are used to produce oxygen. A Manganese dioxide is a reactant in both reactions B Manganese dioxide is a product in both reactions C Manganese dioxide is a catalyst in both reactions D Manganese dioxide is a product in the former reaction and a catalyst in the latter.

D Manganese dioxide is a product in the former reaction and a catalyst in the latter.

Compared with potassium chlorate, what are the advantages of hydrogen peroxide for oxygen production?

1. No heating is required to save energy.
2. The reaction speed is fast, saving time.
3. The experimental device is simple.