The advantage of producing oxygen with hydrogen peroxide is.

The advantage of producing oxygen with hydrogen peroxide is.


On the Nitration Reaction of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid as Catalyst What is the concentration of concentrated sulfuric acid required for the nitration reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst? We know that there is water in both nitric acid and reaction products, and that water reduces the concentration of sulfuric acid and loses the effect of catalyst to a certain extent. How much concentration of concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) in the nitration reaction (reaction of nitric acid and toluene catalyzed by concentrated sulfuric acid) drops off the catalysis? On the Nitration Reaction with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid as Catalyst What is the concentration of concentrated sulfuric acid required for the nitration reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid as catalyst? We know that there is water in both nitric acid and reaction products, and that water reduces the concentration of sulfuric acid and loses the effect of catalyst to a certain extent. How much concentration of concentrated sulfuric acid (98%) in the nitration reaction (reaction of nitric acid and toluene catalyzed by concentrated sulfuric acid) drops off the catalysis?

Catalytic reaction of nitric acid and toluene with concentrated sulfuric acid.
First of all, this reaction is electrophilic substitution reaction. Concentrated sulfuric acid here is not the dehydration effect you call it. Its role is to decompose nitric acid to produce strong electrophilic positive ions. It is this electrophilic positive ions that attack toluene to react. There is no specific requirement for this concentration, but when the concentration is low, concentration is low, so the reaction is weakened. Generally speaking, the stronger the better.