6. The cis-trans isomer of the following compounds: A. CH3CH = CHCH3 B.CH3CH2CH2CH = CH2 C.CH3CH = C (CH3)2 D. CH3C≡ CCH3 6. The cis-trans isomer of A. CH3CH = CHCH3 B.CH3CH2CH2CH = CH2 C.CH3CH = C (CH3)2 D. CH3C≡ CCH3

6. The cis-trans isomer of the following compounds: A. CH3CH = CHCH3 B.CH3CH2CH2CH = CH2 C.CH3CH = C (CH3)2 D. CH3C≡ CCH3 6. The cis-trans isomer of A. CH3CH = CHCH3 B.CH3CH2CH2CH = CH2 C.CH3CH = C (CH3)2 D. CH3C≡ CCH3

Cis-trans isomerism occurs when two double-bonded carbon atoms are connected to different atoms or groups of atoms
There are two hydrogen atoms on the right double bond carbon in B
C has two methyl groups attached to the right-hand double-bonded carbon
D is alkynes, no cis-trans isomer
Should select A

Cis-trans isomerism occurs when two double-bonded carbon atoms are connected to different atoms or groups of atoms
There are two hydrogen atoms on the right double bond carbon in B
C has two methyl groups attached to the right double bond carbon
D is alkynes, no cis-trans isomer
Should select A

CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 Are these two carbon chain is groups? CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 Are these two carbon chain isomers or functional group isomers? CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 Are these two carbon or functional groups?

Carbon chain isomerism, they all have the same functional group (carbon-carbon double bond)
Where CH2=C (CH3)2 has a methyl group in the form of a branched chain, and CH3CH=CHCH3 has four carbon atoms on the same carbon chain

Carbon chain isomerism, they all have the same functional group (carbon-carbon double bond)
Where CH2=C (CH3)2 has a methyl group in the form of a branched chain and CH3CH=CHCH3 has four carbon atoms on the same carbon chain