The ammonium salt produced by a reaction in a chemical equation is written in the case of ammonia and in the case of ammonium salt (a reaction in solution). For example, AlCl3+3NH3·H2O ===? The ammonium salt produced by a reaction in a chemical equation is written in the case of ammonia and in the case of ammonium salt (a reaction in solution). Such as AlCl3+3NH3·H2O===?

The ammonium salt produced by a reaction in a chemical equation is written in the case of ammonia and in the case of ammonium salt (a reaction in solution). For example, AlCl3+3NH3·H2O ===? The ammonium salt produced by a reaction in a chemical equation is written in the case of ammonia and in the case of ammonium salt (a reaction in solution). Such as AlCl3+3NH3·H2O===?

Write ammonia hydrate with water and without heating
Write ammonia when heating because ammonia monohydrate is unstable
AlCl3+3NH3·H2O===Al (OH)3↓+3NH4Cl

Ammonia and hydrogen were obtained from the reaction of magnesium with ammonium salt of strong acid.