Propylene, why must be written as CH2=CH-CH3, can not be written as CH3-CH=CH2

Propylene, why must be written as CH2=CH-CH3, can not be written as CH3-CH=CH2

Yes, all right.
These two are the same, and can be written as CH2=CH-CH3, or as CH3-CH=CH2
I personally like the latter.

Yes, all right.
These two are the same. They can be written as CH2=CH-CH3 or CH3-CH=CH2
I personally like the latter.

The following incorrect statement about propylene (CH3-CH=CH2) is () A. Propylene has 8σ bonds and 1π bond B. All three carbon atoms in propylene are sp3 hybrid C. Nonpolar Bond in Propylene D.3 carbon atoms in propylene molecule on the same plane The following incorrect statement about propylene (CH3-CH=CH2) is () A. Propylene molecule has 8σ bonds and 1π bond B. All three carbon atoms in propylene are sp3 hybrid C. Nonpolar Bond in Propylene D.3 carbon atoms in propylene molecule on the same plane