In homologues, the matter which conforms to the same general formula and whose molecular composition differs by several CH2 groups is not necessarily homologues.

In homologues, the matter which conforms to the same general formula and whose molecular composition differs by several CH2 groups is not necessarily homologues.


Which of the following is incorrect? A. Organic compounds with similar structure and one or more CH 2 groups are homologues. B. A hydrocarbon having the same mass fraction of each constituent element must be the same hydrocarbon. C. The phenomenon that compounds have the same molecular formula but different structures is called isomerism. D. When the ratio of the constituent elements of the hydrocarbon, i.e. the amount of the C, H elements, is less than 1/2, the hydrocarbon is an alkane.

B No. All olefins have the same CH mass fraction, but not the same hydrocarbon.