(Chemistry 1) After the excess iron powder is put into the copper sulfate solution containing sulfuric acid and fully reacted, the solution is filtered, After the excess iron powder is put into the copper sulfate solution containing sulfuric acid and fully reacted, the solution is filtered, and the mass of filter residue is equal to the mass of iron powder put in. What is the ratio of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate in the original mixed solution?

(Chemistry 1) After the excess iron powder is put into the copper sulfate solution containing sulfuric acid and fully reacted, the solution is filtered, After the excess iron powder is put into the copper sulfate solution containing sulfuric acid and fully reacted, the solution is filtered, and the mass of filter residue is equal to the mass of iron powder put in. What is the ratio of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate in the original mixed solution?

The mass of the filter residue weighed is equal to the mass of the iron powder fed, indicating that the mass of Fe reacted is equal to the mass of Cu formed
X x x
The amount of iron reacted with sulfuric acid is assumed to be ymol, and the amount of iron reacted with copper sulfate is assumed to be xmol
Y: x =1:7

In the mixture of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate, excess iron powder was added and the reaction was complete and filtered The mass of the filtrate obtained is equal to that of the original mixed solution. 49:540 Why? In the mixture of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate, excess iron powder was added was added and filtered after the reaction was complete The mass of the filtrate obtained is equal to that of the original mixed solution. 49:540 Why?

If the mass of the filtrate obtained is equal to the mass of the original mixed solution, the mass of the solution increases by the same Fe+H2SO4===FeSO4+H2↑ mass of the solution increases by 98 152 152-98=54Fe+CuSO4=Cu+FeSO4 solution mass reduction 160 152 160-152=8 X 54160/8= x/54 x =1080 Sulfuric acid and...