Is it possible for CH3CH=CHCl (CH3)2C=CHCH3CH2=CCl to form cis-transisomer? Can CH3CH=CHCl (CH3)2C=CHCH3CH2=CCl form cis-transisomer?

Is it possible for CH3CH=CHCl (CH3)2C=CHCH3CH2=CCl to form cis-transisomer? Can CH3CH=CHCl (CH3)2C=CHCH3CH2=CCl form cis-transisomer?

For example, CH3CH=CHCl has cis-trans isomerism, because the atoms or groups on the double bond C must be different. But (CH3)2C=CHCH3 and CH2=CCl have the same group (CH3-) or phase.

The following options are functional isomeric:() A. CH3CH2 CH2CH3 and CH3CH (CH3)2 B.CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 C. AND D. CH3CH2 CH2COOH and CH3COOCH2 CH3 The following options are functional isomeric:() A. CH3CH2 CH2CH3 and CH3CH (CH3)2 B. CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 C. AND D. CH3CH2 CH2COOH and CH3COOCH2 CH3 The following options are functional isomeric:() A. CH3CH2 CH2CH3 and CH3CH (CH3)2 B. CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 C. and D. CH3CH2 CH2COOH and CH3COOCH2 CH3

A.CH3CH2 CH2CH3 and CH3CH (CH3)2 have the same molecular formula, do not contain functional groups, are carbon chain isomerism, so A does not conform to;
B. The molecular formulas of CH2=C (CH3)2 and CH3CH=CHCH3 are the same, both contain C=C double bond, the double bond position is different, the carbon chain is different, it is not the functional group isomerization, so B does not accord with;
C. is different from the molecular formula and is not an isomer, so C is inconsistent;
D.CH3CH2 CH2COOH contains carboxyl group, belongs to carboxylic acid,CH3COOCH2 CH3 contains ester group, belongs to ester, the molecular formula of the two is the same, contains different functional groups, isomerization of functional groups, so D conforms to;
Therefore, D.