Senior one chemistry compulsory 2 important organic compounds all important content

Senior one chemistry compulsory 2 important organic compounds all important content


On the Calculation of Organic Matter in Chemistry of Senior One After a gaseous hydrocarbon is fully combusted, the product passes through an anhydrous CaCl anhydrous CaCl2 and the jar of NaoH solution in turn. It is found that the mass of the U-tube is increased by 1.8g and that of the jar is increased by 2.2g. The mass ratio of C and H in the hydrocarbon and the molecular formula are obtained. On the Calculation of Organic Matter in Chemistry of Senior One After a gaseous hydrocarbon is fully combusted, the product passes through an anhydrous CaCl anhydrous CaCl2 and the jar of NaoH solution in turn. It is found that the mass of U-tube is increased by 1.8g and the mass of jar is increased by 2.2g. The mass ratio of C and H in the hydrocarbon and the molecular formula are obtained.

The mass of U-shaped tube is increased by 1.8g, which is the mass of H2O, and the mass of jar is increased by 2.2g, which is the mass of CO2. The mass ratio of CO2: H2O is 1:2, and the mass ratio of carbon to hydrogen is 12:4=3:1. Since the mass ratio of hydrocarbon is 1:4, the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon is CH4.

The mass of U-shaped tube is increased by 1.8g, which is the mass of H2O. The mass of jar is increased by 2.2g, which is the mass of CO2. The mass ratio of CO2: H2O is 1:2, and the mass ratio of carbon to hydrogen is 12:4=3:1. Since the mass ratio of hydrocarbon is 1:4, the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon is CH4.

The mass of the U-shaped tube is increased by 1.8g, which is the mass of H2O, and the mass of the jar is increased by 2.2g, which is the mass of CO2. The mass ratio of CO2: H2O is 1:2, and the mass ratio of carbon to hydrogen is 12:4=3:1. Since the mass ratio of hydrocarbon is 1:4, the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon is CH4.