Reaction of benzene with concentrated nitric acid

Reaction of benzene with concentrated nitric acid


High school chemistry strong acid weak alkali weak acid strong alkali has what? What kind of deposits and gases do you encounter in high school?

Strong acid: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, perchloric acid
Weak acid: Except for strong acid, other acids are almost all weak acids, such as sulfite, phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, acetic acid, silicic acid, andsulfuric acid
Strong base: sodium hydroxide, barium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide
Weak base: Except for four strong bases, the rest bases are almost all weak bases, such as ammonia, magnesium hydroxide, iron hydroxide, copper hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide
Reddish brown flocculent precipitate ---------- Fe (OH)3
Light green precipitation ------------ Fe (OH)2
Blue flocculent precipitation ------------ Cu (OH)2
White precipitate ------------ CaCO3,BaCO3,AgCl,BaSO4,Mg (OH)2.(where BaSO4 and AgCl are white precipitate insoluble in HNO3,CaCO3 BaCO3 white precipitate soluble in HNO3)
Light yellow precipitation (in aqueous solution)---- S
Common gases NH3, HCl, NO2,SO2,CO2,Cl2,H2S,Br2, C2H2,O2,H2,CO,NO,CH4,CH3Cl,C2H4,C2H6, F2,NO2,Cl2,Br2,CO2,SO2,NH3.
F2(yellowish green), Cl2(yellowish green), Br2(reddish brown), NO2(reddish brown).