When writing ion equations, which substances are detachable? Which substances can not be removed? For example, water can not be dismantled, gas and single quality can not be dismantled. To law and characteristics, do not be too general, do not say that insoluble material can not be dismantled, I also understand this. To law characteristics, do not rote memorization, do not perfunctory.

When writing ion equations, which substances are detachable? Which substances can not be removed? For example, water can not be dismantled, gas and single quality can not be dismantled. To law and characteristics, do not be too general, do not say that insoluble material can not be dismantled, I also understand this. To law characteristics, do not rote memorization, do not perfunctory.

Law characteristics.1. Weak electrolyte can not be removed, such as: water, acetic acid, etc.(weak acid, weak base)
2. The oxide can not be removed basically. CO2 is not an ionic compound. The iron oxide is insoluble and precipitates one, so it can not be removed. In short, remember that if you see the oxide, it is better not to remove it.
3. Gas, simple substance, you're right. Do n' t think about dismantling these things when you see them, because they are all molecular or atomic structures. Since it's an ionic compound, only soluble ions that can move freely in solution can be dismantled. Typical are sodium chloride, nitric acid, etc

When the ion equation is written, what can and can not be disassembled? Some of the ion equations taught by the teacher can or can't be removed. I do n' t remember what the six strong acids and the six strong alkalis are. And what are some special things? When the ion equation is written, what can and can not be disassembled? Some of the ion equations taught by the teacher can or can't be removed. I do n' t remember what six strong acids and six strong alkalis are. And what are some special things? When the ion equation is written, what can and can not be disassembled? Some of the ion equations taught by the teacher in class can or can't be removed. I do n' t remember what the six strong acids and the six strong alkalis are. And what are some special things?

1 All oxides and peroxides shall be written with chemical formula, such as sodium peroxide, sodium oxide and other active metal oxides or peroxides, which are soluble electrolytes but can not be removed.2 Acid salt of strong acid (such as sodium hydrogen sulfate) shall be removed into sodium ion, hydrogen ion and sulfate ion; weak acid salt such as sodium hydrogen carbonate shall be removed into sodium...