Is there a strong base to make a weak base? Does that make strong alkali? Is there a strong base to make a weak base? Does the weak base make the strong one?

Is there a strong base to make a weak base? Does that make strong alkali? Is there a strong base to make a weak base? Does the weak base make the strong one?

Strong base to weak base:3NaOH+AlCl3=3NaCl+Al (OH)3↓
Weak alkali to strong alkali: Ca (OH)2+Na2CO3=CaCO3 NaOH
Either strong acid to weak acid or weak acid to strong acid
Strong alkali to weak alkali or weak alkali to strong alkali
You need to turn some ions into a precipitate or a gas, or they're all solutions that do n' t produce the desired results
You can also ask me about examples of strong acids that require weak acids.

Explain the relationship between ionic compounds and electrolytes: must electrolytes be ionic compounds? Is there any ionic bond in aqueous solution that can conduct electricity? Is there any ionic bond that can conduct electricity in molten state? Explain the relationship between ionic compounds and electrolytes: must electrolytes be ionic compounds? Is there any ionic bond in aqueous solution that can conduct electricity? Must there be ionic bonds in the molten state that conduct electricity?

Electrolytes are compounds that are electrically conductive (ionized into cations and anions) and produce chemical changes in the molten state or in the aqueous solution. They can be divided into strong and weak electrolytes. Electrolytes are not necessarily conductive, but can only be conductive when ionized out of freely moving ions in the molten state or in the aqueous solution. Ionized compounds are conductive in the aqueous solution or in the molten state. Some covalent compounds are also conductive in the aqueous solution, but there are also solid electrolytes, the conductivity of which is derived from the migration of ions in the lattice. Electrolytes are not necessarily ionic compounds. Conducting in water is free moving ions, not ion bonds. Melt conduction is also ionic, not ionic