How to write the reaction equation of Fecl2 and Na2O2 and H2O? How to Write the Reaction Equation of Fecl2 and Na2O2 and H2O?

How to write the reaction equation of Fecl2 and Na2O2 and H2O? How to Write the Reaction Equation of Fecl2 and Na2O2 and H2O?

FeCl2+2NaOH=Fe (OH)2+2NaCl
4Fe (OH)2+O2+2H2O=4Fe (OH)3
Add and combine according to different requirements,
If the ratio of the amount of sediment to the amount of gas is 2:1
3Na2O2+2FeCl2+4H2O=2Fe (OH)3 O2↑+2NaOH+4NaCl

In the reaction of Na2O2 with H2O, What is the mass ratio of the oxidation reaction to the reduction reaction? But isn't there 2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2? Why is it sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide?

Look at this experiment.
[Experiment 1]: Please wrap a light yellow powder with cotton, put it on the asbestos net, drip a few drops, and the cotton will burn.
[Experiment 2]: Please put Na2CO3 powder into the beaker first, add hydrochloric acid, after full reaction, wrap a kind of light yellow powder with cotton, insert into the beaker, and the cotton will burn.
This pale yellow powder is sodium peroxide. What is the reason for this phenomenon
[Initiation]: From the previous experiment, we know that Na2O2 reacts with H2O and CO2. What kind of substance will be burned after the reaction? Please think and make a bold guess.
[Students think and answer]: Na2O2 and H2O form Na, H, O three elements, the gas produced by the reaction should be H2 or O2, is the reaction exotherm, there should be NaOH.
When Na2O2 reacts with CO2, oxygen should be generated and the reaction should be exothermic. Otherwise, cotton will not burn and Na2CO3 should be generated.