Chemical Equation for Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide Solution with Sulfur Dioxide Chemical Equation for the Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide Solution with Sulfur Dioxide

Chemical Equation for Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide Solution with Sulfur Dioxide Chemical Equation for the Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide Solution with Sulfur Dioxide

NaOH excess:2 NaOH+SO2=Na2SO3+H2O
Excess SO2: NaOH+SO2=NaHSO3

What is the chemical formula of limestone, lime water, slaked lime and quicklime?

Limestone: chemical composition is mainly calcium carbonate,(CaCO3);
Lime water: an aqueous solution of Ca (OH)2;
Hydrated lime: slaked lime, a solid of Ca (OH)2;
Lime: CaO