Chemical Reaction of Ethanol Thank you, everyone. Chemical reaction of ethanol Thank you, everyone. The chemical of ethanol Thank you, everyone.

Chemical Reaction of Ethanol Thank you, everyone. Chemical reaction of ethanol Thank you, everyone. The chemical of ethanol Thank you, everyone.

Total 5 kinds 1. Displacement 2CH3CH2OH +2Na=2CH3CH2Na+H22. Catalytic oxidation 2CH3CH2OH +O2=Cu heating=2CH3CHO+2H2O3. Substitution CH3CH2OH+HCl=heating=CH3CH2Cl+H2O 4. Elimination CH3CH2OH=concentrated H2SO4 170 Degrees = CH2= CH2+ H2O5. Esterification CH3CH2OH + CH3COOH = concentrated H2...

The chemical reaction of alcohol with some substances What kind of alcohol + white phosphorus alcohol + paint alcohol + washing powder or + detergent (for home use) alcohol + hydrochloric acid or alcohol + white phosphorus + paint + washing powder + detergent + hydrochloric acid What kind of reaction do you have?

Alcohol + white phosphorus non-reactive alcohol + paint non-reactive insoluble (1st floor big brother is chemistry? --#) Alcohol + washing powder or + detergent (household) non-reactive alcohol + hydrochloric acid non-reactive or alcohol + white phosphorus + paint + washing powder + detergent + hydrochloric acid what reaction no reaction. Only turbidity (become emulsion).