What is the chemical formula of limestone, lime water, quicklime and hydrated lime and their names

What is the chemical formula of limestone, lime water, quicklime and hydrated lime and their names

Limestone, CaCO3
Lime water, Ca (OH)2(aq)
Lime, CaO
Hydrated lime, Ca (OH)2

Chemical Formula of Quick Lime and Hydrated Lime What do they have in their equations? And nature. How to write the chemical formula of quicklime and hydrated lime What do they have in their equations? And nature. How to write the chemical formula of quicklime and hydrated lime What's the equation they' re all about? And nature.

Chemical formula of quicklime: CaO calcium oxide
Chemical formula of hydrated lime: Ca (OH)2 calcium hydroxide
CaO+H2O=Ca (OH)2
The reaction gives off a lot of heat when water is added, although both have calcium, but the chemistry is different.

Chemical formula of quicklime: CaO calcium oxide
Chemical formula of hydrated lime: Ca (OH)2 calcium hydroxide
CaO+H2O=Ca (OH)2
When water is added, the reaction releases a lot of heat, although both have calcium, but the chemical properties are different.