1.-2(-A square BC) quadratic multiplied by 1/2(abc) cubic,-(-abc) cubic multiplied by (-abc) quadratic 2 Given that the square of (a-2)+2b+1) square =0, calculate the four questions of the 2011 power of a, the 2011 power of b, the third power of 3(-x second power)/(-x third power 4x tenth power / x fifth power -(-x ninth power /(-x fourth power)),

1.-2(-A square BC) quadratic multiplied by 1/2(abc) cubic,-(-abc) cubic multiplied by (-abc) quadratic 2 Given that the square of (a-2)+2b+1) square =0, calculate the four questions of the 2011 power of a, the 2011 power of b, the third power of 3(-x second power)/(-x third power 4x tenth power / x fifth power -(-x ninth power /(-x fourth power)),

1. Original formula =-2(-a^2bc)^2*(abc)^3/2=-2a^7b^5c^5/2=-a^7b^5c^5
Original =-(-a^3b^3c^3)(a^2b^2c^2)= a^5b^5c^5
2. Because (a-2)^2+(2b+1)^2=0, and (a-2)^2>=0 and (2b+1)^2>=0,(a-2)^2=0(2b+1)^2>=0, a=2, b=-1/2, a^2011=2^2011, b^2011=-1/2^2011
3 Original =(-x^2)^3/(-x)^3=-x^6/(-x^3)=x^3
4 Original = x^10/x^5-(-x)^9/(-x^4)= x^5- x^5=0

Calculation: minus one-third power of 2*X (minus one-third power of 1/2X-2*X) Can you write down the process