Specifies what a new operation a*b=a+b, a #b=a-b,其中a,b为有理数,则化简a*a*b*3ab+5a*ab#4ab a=5, b=3 evaluates to Specify what a new operation a*b=a+b, a #b=a-b,其中a,b为有理数,则化简a*a*b*3ab+5a*ab#4ab a=5, b=3 will evaluate

Specifies what a new operation a*b=a+b, a #b=a-b,其中a,b为有理数,则化简a*a*b*3ab+5a*ab#4ab a=5, b=3 evaluates to Specify what a new operation a*b=a+b, a #b=a-b,其中a,b为有理数,则化简a*a*b*3ab+5a*ab#4ab a=5, b=3 will evaluate

A*a*b*3ab+5a*ab #4ab=a+a+b+3ab+5a+ab-4ab=7a+b
A =5, b =3,=38

A*B*3ab+5a #4ab=B*3ab+5a+ab-4ab=7a
A=5, B=3,=38

If the absolute value of a-square-3a+1+b-square+2b+1=0, how much is a-square+3ab?

Answer -1
Part 2 is non-negative, so in absolute value =0b square +2b +1 is the square of (b +1) must be equal to 0 and be brought into the solution.
Answer -1

Answer -1
Part 2 is non-negative so in absolute value =0b square +2b +1 is the square of (b +1) must be equal to 0 and brought into the solution.
Answer -1