Finding the Rational Numbers a and b of the Condition a+b/3+1=2a-b=a-2b Find the rational numbers a and b of the condition a+b/3+1=2a-b=a-2b

Finding the Rational Numbers a and b of the Condition a+b/3+1=2a-b=a-2b Find the rational numbers a and b of the condition a+b/3+1=2a-b=a-2b


Specify two new operations: a*b=a+b, a #b=a-b,其中a、b为有理数.化简a²b*3ab+5a²bb#4ab, and find out when a=5, b=3 Value of

1. This question can not be handled without specifying the priority of the new operation *# relative to +-x÷ square operation.
We assume that *# takes precedence over x, and we have the following result
2 I don't know if there's an extra b in 5a2bb? Because otherwise it should be written as 5a2b2. Let us assume that this is 5a2b
Because a*b=a+ba #b=a-b,即*前后项变+、# the term before and after decreases,
A2b*3ab+5a2b #4ab
= A2b+3ab+5a2b-4ab
When a=5b=3,
Original =6x5^2x3-5x3
(If the 5a2bb item is not changed, the calculation result is as follows)
A2b*3ab+5a2bb #4ab
= A2b+3ab+5a2bb-4ab
= A2b+5a2bb-ab
When a=5b=3,
Original =5^2x3+5x5^2x3x3-5x3