The absolute value of a equals negative a, a is? 1. Positive number 2. Negative number 3. Non-negative number 4. Non-positive number

The absolute value of a equals negative a, a is? 1. Positive number 2. Negative number 3. Non-negative number 4. Non-positive number


Write all integers with an absolute value less than 5 and indicate them on the number axis. Is there a minimum positive number and a maximum negative number? Why?

All integers with absolute values less than 5 are:+1,-1,+2,-2,+3,-3,+4,-4,0
As for the number of axes to represent it, as long as a few numbers on the point can be!
Is there a minimum positive number and a maximum negative number, why?
No, because there are countless positive and negative numbers, and they have no maximum and minimum values! Only the largest negative integer: is -1, the largest positive integer is 1!
Come on, I'm working hard, give me some points,