Given that the absolute value of negative number a is 3 1/2, the opposite number of b is 1 1/2, and the reciprocal of c is 2, try to find the value of a+b of c

Given that the absolute value of negative number a is 3 1/2, the opposite number of b is 1 1/2, and the reciprocal of c is 2, try to find the value of a+b of c

| A |=3.5
Therefore, the original formula =(-3.5+1.5)÷(1/2)=-2×2=-4

A is the absolute value of the inverse number of -3, b is the inverse of the sum of -1 and -1, c is the number less than -1, d is the smallest nonnegative number, and a, b, c, d are the numbers

A=3, b=-2, c=2, d=0